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Like the other times Hoseok went in a daze like that he skipped a day of uni, calling in sick. Jungkook agreed with it and was so determined to skip a day as well to stay with him because he wasn't going to lie - he was scared of leaving Hoseok alone in his thoughts. But Hoseok managed to convince him to go, it wouldn't be fair on him, it was the first week and making your boyfriend miss a day because you had one of your stupid dazes? What a great boyfriend!

Hoseok sighed as he curled into his blanket even more, he was currently in a ball on Jungkook's couch with a blanket wrapped tightly around him. The tv was on but he wasn't focusing on it. Unfortunately he was doing what Jungkook feared, being lost in his thoughts.

'Hoseok why are you bringing Jungkook down with you? He's kind, caring and handsome. What are you? Ugly, worthless and a waste of space.'

'B-but I'm not, n-no one's said it...'

'Oh they have. You're just so useless that you don't remember. Yet people do still say it now, but you're too busy being cheery to notice.'

Hoseok shook his head desperately to get rid of the voices in his head. He wasn't worthless! Jungkook's said it to him with such honesty.

He was lying.

"He wasn't!" Hoseok covered his ears as something wet slipped down his cheek "he wasn't lying" Hoseok whispered to himself "he wasn't."

"I honestly can't believe I even dated you. You're so fucking ugly." the voice whispered in Hoseok's ear. Hoseok stayed silent and kept his eyes on the floor.

"Yah! I don't know what Taehyung-ah said to you but respond when spoken to you faggot!" Yonguk shouted as he gripped Hoseok's hair and harshly pulled it up making him look up at Taehyung.

"S-sorry?" Hoseok questioned as he was unsure on how to respond "is that a question?!" Yonguk yelled causing Hoseok to flinch, he caught Taehyung's eyes and pleaded him to help with his eyes; he had a slight hope that Taehyung would be back to how he used to be, but that shattered when Taehyung gave him a disgusted face and looked away "who gave you the right to ask us a question, huh?!" Hoseok madly shook his head "n-no one!"

"That's right. No one. You have no rights above us." Yonguk spät as he gave a blow to Hoseok's face and released his grip on his hair. Hoseok managed to stop his head from banging on the bathroom tiles but that was pointless when the one called Daehyun purposely banged his head on the floor "awh is poor Hoseokie trying to protect his head?" Daehyun sneered.

Hoseok accidentally let out a whimper causing all of them to laugh except Taehyung but Taehyung redeemed himself when he kicked Hoseok's side "pathetic."

Hoseok curled in a ball to try and minimise his body surface area where they hit him. Even though he did that to reduce the area they hit, he wasn't so lucky.

"Wait guys..." a soft voice stopped all of them "what is it Himchan?" Yonguk asked.

"Look at his arm" Hoseok mentally cursed and pulled his sleeves down to keep it hidden, Hoseok hugged his arms close to his chest.

"What's on your arm you worthless piece of shit?" Yonguk asked as he gripped tightly on one of Hoseok's arms to see but Hoseok went against him and kept his arms near his chest which clearly annoyed him "Youngjae, Zelo, hold him."

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