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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains self harm

It's been a week since Hoseok heard the news, and it's been a week since he isolated himself from everyone. He went straight to his lessons and tried focusing on the lessons that had any of his friends in so he could blank them. When break came around Hoseok would pack up quickly and run out to hide from the others, all week long he was successful to. When it came to the night Hoseok locked Jungkook and Yoongi out of the dorm.

It was a Saturday, finally a day where Hoseok can be alone to get lost in his thoughts. Throwing on a hoodie and ripped jeans he left the dorms early and made his way off campus.

Cold from the morning air Hoseok buried his hands in his jeans pocket as he walked down a trail in the forest. The sun was starting to rise giving little light to his surroundings but Hoseok didn't mind. Ever since he found this place he went to it often, he knew the way there like the back of his hand.

A few more steps Hoseok was in a clearing containing a beautiful clear lake with gorgeous flowers surrounding it. On the other side of the lake was a small trail leading to a beautiful meadow. Hoseok smiled at the sight, he made his way to a beautiful oak tree and popped himself at its root. Leaning against its bark Hoseok took out a familiar book and pen from his hoodie's pouch.

Opening the book Hoseok flipped to a empty page and started writing.

'I'm trapped in this wall
I can't breathe properly'

I can't breathe ever since you've returned in my life. Everything's gone wrong. I think...I no. I won't say it just yet...but everything is wrong...I'm starting to get trapped in my thoughts. My mind started playing tricks on me this week. I saw him. My dad at the dorms. I saw Yonguk too...They looked so real...I actually do have pathetic can I get?

"How pathetic can I get?" Hoseok whispered to himself as his fingers closed his diary shut.

"Yeah. How pathetic can you get?" a laughter was heard from in front of him causing Hoseok to look up with wide eyes "y-you're not real!"

"Oh am I not?" the person snarled "what about your dad over there? Is he not real?" Hoseok looked to his side and immediately backed away until he was pressed against the tree's bark "y-you're not real! Neither of you are!" Hoseok stated but when they started abusing him he screamed it felt so real. The whole thing seemed real. His body burned in pain.

"I think we've done enough." Hoseok's father grinned causing Hoseok to flinch "but how about you do something for me?"

"W-what?" Hoseok squeaked out.

"You brought your pocket knife didn't you?" Hoseok remained silent "you did, didn't you?" Mr Jung growled causing Hoseok to nod his head furiously "y-yes!"

With that answer the corner of Mr Jung's lips curled into a smirk "then you know what to do and do save yourself time will you?" Hoseok nodded and took it out of his jeans pocket "don't forget...everywhere, you have no place here do you?" Hoseok nodded again "then come on you don't have all day!" Hoseok rolled his sleeves up and quickly brought the blade across his skin, causing blood to gush out. Hoseok heard both his dad and the group of bullies cheering every time he cut. He knew at the back in his mind that they weren't real but it felt too real for him. With each praise Hoseok started feeling better the more he cut. The more he cut the deeper he went. Hoseok rolled his jeans up to his knees and started cutting up his legs. He continued until he felt light headed. Using the tree Hoseok stood up on shaky legs and carefully walked to the lake. Rinsing his knife and hands Hoseok placed it back in his pocket. Hoseok rolled down both his jeans and sleeves before making his way back to the dorms. Somehow he managed to get out of the forest and back into the city before his vision started to blur, was it always so hot? Wasn't it cold in the morning?

Hoseok knew he was going to faint sometime soon, with difficulty he got his phone out of his pocket and dialled the first number on his speed dial. Hoseok was close to the college, he saw the gates, they were just a few more steps away but his legs were giving up on him. He leaned himself against the wall as he brought his phone to his ear.



"Hello? Hoseok?"

" me..."

"Hoseok?! Where are you?!"


Was the last thing Hoseok said before everything went black.

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