Save Me

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I wake up on my bed , I cant really see anything its all hazy but I have a sharp pain in the back of my head  that's killing me . I'm trying to remember what happened  when my door opens , I slowly  turn my head to see who's there when i hear a familiar voice I don't need to see him to know its the one and only Alex. I here him gasp '' What happened ?!''  he says as he walks over to me , what did happen ? I  cant remember  '' your parents sent me to stay here while they go in town they said '' his eyes are filled with confusion and worry. I am slowly getting my sight back  and that's when it hits me '' my parents !'' it all starts to come back the glass bottle  the arm everything and I realize i cant hide this anymore the abuse is getting worse I need saved . Alex kneels down in front of me '' what what about your parents ?!'' i look at him am i really going to tell him I've  only talked to  him for  about a week , but i need help , i look at him '' you were right it is my parents and its getting worse i need help '' i say   he looks at me and something about his expression changed , his eyes are full of concern but with anger '' you need to get out of this house Brook '' he stands up and lends me his hand I look at it and realize that pain in the back of my head is getting worse i cant move i look at him '' i cant get up ''  he looks at the back of my head as i sit up  and he has an angry expression  he leans down and picks me up bridal style '' I wish you told me sooner '' he says while looking at me , but i cant focus on that right now I'm trying to keep myself awake and ignore the pain but this is far worse . He pushes open the front door and i see sunlight  i was passed out a whole night its probably around 3;00:pm '' are you Ok ?''  he gives me a concerned glance but I cant find it in me to respond . He kicks open his houses front door and sits me down on a chair  , he moves the hair out of my face '' Kristine !'' he shouts  and i can feel the pull of sleep and darkness pulling me in but I still fight it off Kristine and Alex kneel in front of me  and Kristine turns to Alex " How did this happen?!''  '' she said her parents have been hurting her!'' he says angrily  she lets out a gasp and gets up and looks at the back of my head  '' Brooklyn sweetie don't go to sleep stay awake'' she tells me  and Alex stares at me with worry in his eyes  '' fight it off Brooklyn ''  Does he not know how hard this is but I cant help it i let myself slip into darkness .

I can faintly hear people talking but I cant make it in myself to  open my eyes    '' what are we suppose to do about her parents we cant send her back!'' I hear somebody say '' we will let her decide what she wants to do when she wakes up we are defiantly not sending her back to her parents .'' '' Alex you know that took a lot out of her the doctor told you , you will have to wait ''  so its Alex  then one who is talking more calming must be his mom  , and then I  hear Alex let out a frustrated sigh '' I know I  know I  just wish it would be soon ''  I force myself to open my eyes and I see two people standing  in front of the hospital bed . Wait hospital?!! why am i here i cant be here !!  Kristine look at me '' how are you feeling Brooklyn?!'' she says as she rushes to the side of the bed  I shake my head slowly confused  Alex  runs over to the other side of the bed '' Thank god your up '' he says relived  I look at both of them I'm still confused Kristine looks at me and smiles a small smile '' Brooklyn you are in the hospital , you had glass in the back of your head and you kept passing out on us '' she says slowly  '' I was so worried you weren't going to wake up'' Alex looks at me and laughs nervously. I look at back at them and smile weakly '' you cant get rid of that easily ''  and a expression of relive shoots across there faces '' I'm so glad your okay '' they both say  and they both smile at me  and then the doctor walks in '' your awake ! that's great Brooklyn'' the doctor says as he smiles at me  and he stands in front of the bed with a clipboard   in his hands '' Brooklyn I need you to tell me how long your parents have been abusing you?''  Alex and Kristine both sit down in chairs in the corner of the room.

  I sit there staring the doctor in the eyes and its doctor Paige I remember him from before . I look down at my hands '' they started the abuse when I was 11 and when I  turned thirteen they started getting worse''  that's it I  finally told somebody they all know the truth now and now I can live a normal life .. i think . I can hear Kristine gasp  and Alex shouts a curse word then looks at the doctor and apologized the doctor looks at me with a sad expression '' thank you for letting me know , and we will talk to your parents later .''  '' but we did have to remove some pieces of glass from the back of your head that's why you kept passing out on us'' I  look at him wide eyed   '' i know its a lot to take in Brooklyn but you are getting discharged  tomorrow and you should be fine '' I look at him trying to absorb what he just said I look at him '' Thank you for letting me know'' he nods and walks out of the door and closes the door back.  I just stare at the door and I start panicking, do my parents know I'm here ?!  Kristine grabs my hand '' your parents don't know your here they haven't called asking where you are''  I am not a person who spills there emotions out to everyone I am the kind of person who acts like everything is fine. I look at her and just nod my head , Alex gets up and stands in front of the bed and looks at me '' why didn't you tell anybody we could have prevented all of this !''   Kristine glares at Alex,  I look at him '' Now that you do know my parents will know that i told you and they will come back f-for me , and The next time There is no recovering from it, is that what you wanted to here ?!''  I stare at Alex as pain ,guilt,Anger and sadness Crosses  his face '' there not coming back for you I will make sure of that '' he looks at me with a stern face  I mumble '' I hope your right .''

About two hours later Kristine left and as soon as she did Alex was back, the one the annoying ,stupid, jerk one that we all know and love right? Wrong . '' oh my gosh Alex i told you to stop with the sexual jokes a while ago stop bringing them back up!''  Alex laughs '' why princess you know you love my jokes !''  ''I do not!''  I yell at him and chuck a pillow at him and he catches it '' thanks I  needed a pillow '' he looks at me and makes a smug grin '' whatever Alex '' I  roll my eyes at him

Its around 2:00 am and Alex is knocked out cold so I get a good idea and I throw another pillow at him '' WHAT?!'' I turn around and fake to sleep while holding in my laugh . I hear Alex get up '' No your not fooling me Princess !'' and he throws to pillows at me and they hit me in the face and I  cant stop myself from laughing '' you need to go to bed your acting like a little kid '' Alex tells me '' whatever your the little kid '' i roll my eyes and turn away from him and i can hear him chuckle and go back to were he was sleeping. I smile to myself  and fall asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'     Thanks for reading this Chapter i hope you enjoy it so far! and sorry for any spelling mistakes if any !
i will continue to update chapters ! Its kinda a long chapter !

" DO NOT steal anything from my book !''

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