Amber And Her Big Mouth !

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Brooklyn's POV:

I stop smiling at myself and listen to
Amber ramble on about her and Justin. It's nice to hear that my best friend can turn the saddest of moments to one of the best ones ever in a matter of seconds to be exact . " he told me everything brook I'm telling you he loves me just as much as I love him !"
Amber exclaimed excitedly . "Awe that's sweet Amber , but if he hurts you just give me the word and I'll kill him " I laugh

"no ! Brook you can't kill him he is coming to the party tomorrow !"
Oh yeah I remember today was suppose to be the party but he canceled it because he had things to do so tomorrow late Saturday night the party is going down ... oh god I really feel like this is going to go bad.

Just like this stupid date Alex asked me on for some unknown reason on Gods green earth . Amber lays down on the bed we are sitting on and sighs happily " so it went from stalking him to loving him eh Amber ?" I say as I hold in my laugh . "Shut up Brooklyn your going out with Alex "  
I groan and roll my eyes at her and lay down beside her . " you like him just admit it ". I look over at her and force a laugh " hah ! No wayyyyyy!"
" OH MY GOD YOU DO YOU LIKE ALE-". I push her off the bed on the floor . " Amber ! Shh!!!" 

Amber laughs and runs out the door and down the stairs . I realize what she is doing and jump off the bed and chase her down . I grab the back of her shirt and she trips me and we both fall down the stairs .

Alex and his friends laugh " what are you guys doing ?!" Noah laughs .
" ALEX ! Brooklyn has a mayor crus-"
I slap her arm and nudge her " Amber if you tell him I'll tell Justin everything you just told me upstairs !" I glare at her , she looks at me and sighs in defeat
" fine Brooklyn you win for now " Alex looks between me and Amber amused but also confused at the same time .
" you guys will drive me crazy before we even graduate " Zack laughs
" oh god how do you think I feel Zack !" Alex laughs .

I laugh at how clueless and stupid the guys are  they  probably didn't pass health class because they had to learn about women's periods . I laugh out loud at what I just thought and every one looks at me like I'm crazy . 
" oh e-excuse m-me !" I laugh like crazy
And Amber hits my arm lightly " girl snap out of it geez !" 
Oh how I love my friend how I love her craziness . Let's just hope the guys pass health and I can go back over to my house soon ...


Hello everyone ! I am so sorry I haven't updated since the 13th !
It seems like I'm saying that a lot. 😂 But as everyone who reads knows I still go to school
School Has just been packing down the work because first semester is ending . So I'm back and ready to write and write new chapters ! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 7k YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING !

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