The Party Part One

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Amber and I just finished cleaning the my house and it's about 6 . Yeah I know it's been awhile but there was a lot of junk that my parents left . I sit on a bar stool while Amber washes her hands and sits in front of me " you know I can't wait till the party starts I cant believe you have never been to one !"
Oh I have... they just don't know that .

I lightly laugh "Amber I always busy with studies or cleaning or something can you blame me ? " just as I say that I hear a knock at the door , I look at Amber and open the door and there stands dip stick and his sidekicks.
" oh my god ! Brooklyn ! We looked everywhere for you and Amber !" Noah exclaims , Amber laughs " well you didn't look next door then " Noah flips her off and Alex rolls his eyes .

" why didn't you tell us you were coming here !" Alex says angry
I look at him " excuse me ! I can leave whenever I want ,I live here dipstick !"

Alex stares blankly at me " ok fine calm down " he rolls his eyes and they all start walking back to his house to get ready for the party . 

I close my door and walk upstairs to change , of course Amber is helping me because I have no idea how to dress for a party or any party at all.

Amber and I walk in my room and I sit on my bed at she digs through my closet ." Brooklyn ! You have beautiful clothes in here ,dresses ,shirts!  Why won't you wear them !" She turns around and looks at me .

Oh yeah those clothes , yeah I don't know why I have them in the first place I  have never wore them  , I never thought anybody would find them either .

I look at Amber and shrug my shoulders , when she pulls out a short black knee length dress . "Brooklyn you have to wear this ." Amber glares at me
I groan " no I hate this !" 
"  Brooklyn  go change " Amber demands and throws the dress at me .

I roll my eyes and grab the dress and walk in the bathroom and lock the door .  As I take off my clothes I slide the black dress on and zip the back myself . I'm not going to lie this is a beautiful dress ... it should be on someone more beautiful though ..

I look at myself in the mirror at the black dress the shimmers with sparkle and reaches my knees and fits to me pretty well .. I open the door and walk to my room to Amber  . She looks at me with wide eyes " oh my god .

BROOKLYN ! You look beautiful !"  She gushes  at me  I roll my eyes and sit down as she throws me black heels .
I glare at her , she knows I never.ever wear heels ! But I don't argue because she can beat me anyway . I put on the heels and wait for Amber to change .

It's really happing now ...


NEXT CHAPTER COMING SOON THANKS FOR READING THIS CHAPTER ! thanks for reading guys ! Trying to update more often while I have the time !
How do you guys think the party is going to go ?

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