The Party Part Two

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I try not to panic as Amber finished straightening my hair , it's so close until we have to leave and I'm freaking out that feeling you have when you know something's going to end up going wrong ? Yeah. That feeling..

Amber finished straightening my hair and I stand up and look at what she is wearing , to be honest it looks kind of slutty ....but she is my best friend so I didn't say anything .

I look at the short red dress with a V cut back and her straightened hair . She looks beautiful, she is the only one I know who can pull off that look .

I let out a nervous sigh as we walk back to Alex's house . Amber opens the door and all the guys .look hot. I am not going to lie ...even Alex . Dang . I shakes my head and look at there surprised looks and laugh " not expecting this ?"

Alex shakes his head " no I wasn't -eh I mean we weren't expecting this at all you both look beautiful ." Smooth Alex real smooth .

Alex is wearing black jeans and a white button up shirt and black shoes . Hot oh my God some one kill me already .

We walk out to the cars as Alex ,Amber and I get in his mustang and his friends get in Noah's Volvo . " where exactly is this place ?" I ask nervously , Alex laughs and noticed I was nervous " it's like 5 minuets away princess "

Amber laughs " I don't care I just want to see Justin and get drunk "  I realized something " um who is going to be the sober driver ?.." Alex chuckles  " Jayden is going to be the sober driver "

I nod and look out the window as we pass the '' riches houses'' as I like to call this part of the neighborhood
Time Skip----------------------------

We just arrived at this party and i can hear the music from inside our car  . Amber jumps out of the car and runs to Justin . Alex gets out of the car ,I take a deep breathe "here it goes " I say to myself and open the door and get out .

Amber and Justin walk inside the house that looks like a mansion to me .
Noah , Zack , Jayden, and Alex look at me and the walk inside. I walk inside and scrunch up my noes to all the smells of alcohol and smoke .

The loud music is pounding in my ears. This is going to end completely wrong I really don't like this already . Alex smiles and takes my hand in his and intertwines our hands.

I stiffen at the feeling. But I'm not lying .....I like it .
I smile at Alex and he walks through all the people in the way . "You drink ?" Alex says to me over the loud music .

" uh no I don't ,never have " I say over the music and look at Alex . Alex hands me a bottle of alcohol " you should try it out and see what happens ." He smirks . Oh. ...OH I know I shouldn't be doing this , this is wrong ... but screw it .

I take the dark brown glass bottle in my hand and open it and look at Alex .
Alex chuckles " it won't kill you . Maybe ." He laughs . I shake my head and. Take a small drink from the bottle .

I cough as I feel the horrible substance go down my throat stinging . I shake my head and Alex laughs "you'll get use to it princess " he laughs and started drinking his own .
He let's go of my hand and walks away and laughs .

Oh god . I'm alone. I look for somewhere to get away from everyone .
I look around and see a .Very . Very . Drunk Amber . I laugh at how ridiculous she looks . And walk towards the door and sit outside on the beautiful large porch steps . I can still feel the horrible taste of the beer . Ugh . Why did I do that , I don't see why people get addicted to it .

I sigh as I try to block out the loud obnoxious music . Well that was a try but I am failing .

Hello ! All my Wattpad Readers ! I'm back with part two of The Party !! Sorry I was gone for so long ! But I'm back. And will update as soon as I can ! Who has made it this far through the book ?!
You guys continue to amaze me !!
I might do a Q/A soon what do you think ?! Thank you for reading !

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