Chapter One- The First Day

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Swift's P.O.V

"Taylor.. I'm actually really nervous about filming this scene! I've never acted in a movie before." I said hesitant.

"You'll do great! I'll be right there with you."

Taylor responded, with that sweet smile of his. I'm wearing a gray T-Shirt for the movies high school, short red track shorts, and running shoes. I get to play Taylor's girlfriend, Felicia! I'm so nervous, I've never acted in a movie before, so I call my best friend from high school, Abigail, for a pep-talk before we film the scenes.

"Hey Taylor! I haven't talked to you a long time.. how are you doing?" Abigail said.
"I'm good, thanks. I actually called to get some advice from you.."
"Advice? From me? HA.You're the one that gives advice to like, millions of girls all over the world." She said.
"But no, like seriously, I need some. Ya see, I'm going to be a movie called Valentines Day, and I'm super nervous, so I thought I'd call you for a pep talk. Plus, Taylor Lautner, that super hot werewolf from Twilight, is playing my boyfriend."
"You GO GIRL!" She shouted through the phone. "The only advice I really know, considering I'm going into Journalism, would be just relax, and act like it's real life. Don't try to ham it up too much, Tay. Because I don't want to go to theaters to watch this movie with my best friend, If it's gonna suck." Abi said with a chuckle.
"Ha ha, ok. I'll do my best.. Thanks though. I'll call you tonight to let you know how it went!"
"Actually, try tomorrow morning, well, more like the afternoon. I have a swim meet." She said, with sorrow.
"Oh.. ok.. Well, I got to go, Taylor is coming over. See ya." *Click*
I hung up the phone. I got kind of sad, I never get to talk to Abigail anymore..

Lautner's P.O.V

"Hey!" I said, I sounded really happy, even though I didn't know I wanted to show her I was THAT excited.
"Hey.." She said in response.
"What's wrong?" I said concerned.
"It's nothing, really. It's just I never really get to talk to my friend from high school anymore. She's always busy."
I got closer and hugged her. I hope that wasn't too forward, but I backed up and said, "Well, If you ever need to talk I'm here. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time after filming.."
"Thanks." She said with a perfect smile. Her teeth are gorgeous. I could look at her smile all day.. I hope she didn't see that interview where I called her hot. Oh, God. She probably did, and thinks I'm some freak.

I grabbed her arm and pointed to the director,

"Where are you going? Ha ha the director wants us!" I laughed.
"Oh my bad.." She said. She's so cute when she's confused. Anyway, It's time to go film! "Can't wait to go jump over some hurdles." I thought.

"Ok, guys. First we are going to film the scene where Taylor is dancing with the interviewer, then we'll get a quick clip of Taylor jumping over the hurdles, but you gotta fall on the last one. Ok?"

"Um.." She said.
"What?" The director responded.
"I'm pretty sure I can't jump over any hurdles. I'm a singer, not an athlete!" She said laughing.
"What?.. O- Sorry! We need nicknames for you guys! Lautner, you'll stay Taylor. Swift, what do you want as your nickname?"
"Uh, Swifty is fine. That's what my fans are called, so you know.. that's good."
"AWE how cute. She has a nickname for her fans!" I joked around. She hit my arm and we started walking to our places..

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