Chapter Twenty Two- Happy Holidays Eh?

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Swift's P.O.V

I sighed as I saw the photographer taking pictures of us, it gets annoying at times, but you can't complain if you're in this industry, that's just part of the job. We purchased our things from a self checkout line and Liz and Caitlin snapped a few pictures of me doing so. I guess they're just getting back at me for all the times I have done that to them, and probably will in the future.

We got in the car and were heading to Nashville for Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving, its the whole Swift clan gathering together on one special day to catch up with everything that has happened in the year and we all congregate at the computer and watch kitten videos. But this year is different, this year, I'm bring Taylor, Taylor Lautner. The best boyfriend I have ever ever had, I'm just worried how my family will except him.

Ages 16 and down will probably fall in love with him and forever hate me for being with him. 17 to 21 will need to talk to him for a while to scope him out and get to know him, and 22+ will be on their lookout. Watching his every move. I hope he is prepared.

He's amazing and can handle tough situations so I'm sure he'll be fine, I mean he deals with me almost every day so, if he can handle me, he can handle my family.

My Mom was on the tour bus going through the list of everyone who was going to be at dinner in a few days, and what I should wear. She wanted me to get dressed up..

"Mom, it's just family. It's not an event."

"It is in our household! The only time they get to see you is if they're watching t.v. You need to look your best."

Taylor cleared his throat then intervened the conversation,

"I mean no disrespect Mrs. Swift, but Taylor is an adult and I think she should be able to choose what she'd like to wear. She would still look very classy in slacks and a nice sweater." He smiled politely.

My Mom was very taken back by this. She widened her eyes, I'm sure it was because no one has ever done that in such a mature manner. Austin doesn't even communicate with her he just leaves, I usually end of screaming if we even fight at all, which it isn't that often.

"That was VERY mature of you Taylor, and I appreciate your feedback. You're a very mature young man." He just smiled and put his hand on my knee.

Lautner's P.O.V

The bus ride to Nashville was actually quite fun. We all played truth or dare and I learned a lot about everyone. Andrea went back to her house, Liz and Caitlin stayed at Caitlin's place and I stayed with Taylor.

"So, you ready for Thursday?" She said

"Of course. I can't wait to meet your family." I smiled

"I bet." She said sarcastically

"sooo... what are we going to do tonight?"

"Want to watch some Greys Anatomy and then tomorrow we can back some cookies?"

"Sounds perfect."

I couldn't wait to spend the holiday's with Tay. She is so wholesome it humbles me so much. She is never too serious, she knows when to joke about herself, and she is just all around adorable. I can't wait to spend Valentines Day with her. I'm going to give her the most magical date she has ever had.

We were sitting on the couch when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out, it was a text message from my mom,

From Mom 8:47PM- 'Hey honey are you back in Michigan?"

To Mom 8:48PM- 'Nashville.'

From Mom 8:50Pm- 'Are you coming back before Thursday?'

To Mom 8:51PM- 'No, I'm staying here for awhile. Enjoy the holiday's without me.'

From Mom 8:52PM- 'We will all miss you."

To Mom 8:55PM- 'Sure.'

I turned off my phone and through it on the floor. I cuddled with Tay and wrapped her up in the blanket. She looks so cute.

"Do you want anything?" She asked

"Just your lips." I winked. She playfully hit my arms then kissed me.

"There. Happy?" She smirked.

"No. I want more." I smiled

We started making out and she actually fell off the couch, I laughed so hard, but I grabbed her before she could fall.

We then continued again and she just started to say something when we heard a knock on the door. She looked at her phone,

"9:50?" She said shocked

"We've been making out for an hour?"

"Yeah baby. You know what they say, time flies when you're having fun." She winked. Damn she's hot.

She bumped my arm when she got up and looked through the peephole. She gasped and covered her mouth.

She waved me over and I got up and looked through the peephole. It was Joe, with a bundle of roses.

I didn't answer the door and neither did she and Joe knew we were here,

"Taylor, I know you're in there. I want to talk. I saw SNL, and I deserved everything. I'm going to leave these roses and a note I wrote you outside the door. Call me sometime."

I was fuming, I opened the door and ran into him, pushing him against the wall against the hall, and he hit his head on the painting.

"I don't know how many times she's told you to leave her alone, but you seriously need to STOP. She is with me now whether you like it or not, maybe if you weren't such an ass you would have realized what you had when she was yours. So leave, now. Don't come back Jonas. Got it?"

He looked at Tay and so did I, she just nodded her head and looked him straight in the eye and muttered,

"Just stop.. Joe."

"You heard her Jonas, you can leave now, and take your roses with you." I bent down, picked them up and threw them at him. He started walking away and I shouted,

"YEAH GO JONAS. AND DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT." He just put his head to the ground and kept walking.

Happy Holidays eh?

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