Chapter Thirteen- Grant?

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Swift's P.O.V

We were walking down the hotel hallway holding hands, and someone ran up behind me and hugged me, it was Grant.
"What the hell?" I said
"It's just me, calm down." He said, flicking his hair, and putting his hands up in defense.

Taylor looked mad, so I just kind of ignored him, but I didn't want to be mean. I love Grant, but not like that, anymore..

"So, where y'all heading?" Grant said
"Oh, we are just going to dinner half naked, it's a tradition now." I said jokingly.
"O.k O.k you didn't have to be mean." He said
"I was kidding." I punched his arm
"Can we come with?"
"Define, 'We'.."
"The band. Scott and Andrea can do whatever they usually do." He laughed

I looked over at Taylor, to see if he was upset, and he wasn't, well he didn't look like it, so I whispered,
"Don't worry, we're going to be alone tonight." He smiled and Grant said,
"Just go get everyone else." I laughed

I turned around and watched Grant walk away, but before I knew it, Taylor pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. I was shocked, I mean he isn't ever like this.. But I'm not going to complain. He pulled away and stuttered, "I- I'm so sorry Tay.. I just couldn't-"
"It's fine." I smiled re-assuring him. I put my arm around his waist.

We got into the pool and jumped in holding hands. It reminded me of our first date.. We were just flirting and having a good time, then the rest of the band jumped in. I mean everyone. Grant, Paul, Amos, Al, Liz, Caitlin, Mike.. it was outrages. They were playing water basketball, throwing it back and forth hitting me in the head multiple times. I joked, "I'm gonna write a song about this." Taylor laughed every time it happened.
"Thanks, Hun."
"Anytime." He winked.
"Want to go down the water slide?"
"As long as you go down with me." He smiled

We got up out of the pool and headed over to the slide. I saw Liz staring at him as he got out.
"Keep your eyes off my man!" I joked
"I'm sorry.."
"You can have Joe!"
"hahahaha no one wants Joe!" She said laughing uncontrollably.
"Exactly." I winked

We climbed up the stairs and the lifeguard said he recognized us, and Taylor said,
"That's great, but I want to go down the slide with my girl."
I love that about him. I sat down first and Taylor sat down behind me, putting his arms around my waist.

Lautner's P.O.V

This is perfect. The slide isn't that scary but any excuse that lets me get out of the zoo down there by her band and alone with her, I'm happy. We zoomed down the slide and when we got to the bottom. I fell first and Taylor fell on top of me.
"Is this a preview of tonight?" I joked
"SHUT UP!" She said jumping on my back.

I saw Grant out of the corner of my eye, looking extremely pissed. But I just carried her off, happy as ever. I looked over at the door and saw Andrea standing there with her arms crossed. I turned to the side where Tay was resting her head on my shoulder and said,
"Is she mad?"
"I don't know, let me go find out." She said. She jumped off my back then swam over to the side where her mom was.

"Mom. We are just joking around." I heard her say.
"I know! It's getting late, Taylor. Y'all need to get out." She said firmly.

I saw Tay turn around, rolling her eyes. She likes to do that a lot.
"Are you ok?" I asked
"Yeah, we just got to go to the hotel room.." She said.
"That's fine! We'll just go watch a movie." I said rubbing her shoulders.
"Ok." She smiled.

We got out of the pool, dried ourselves off with a towel, then started walking back to our room. But out of nowhere, someone grabs my arm yanking me back.
It was Grant.

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