Chapter Thirty Two- You're Too Young

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Swift's P.O.V

The event's of Johns after party, I'd rather not share.

It's been a few days since the actual party, and he's calling me less and less, day by day. And every time he calls, he ends up making my day worse! He's just so negative and he brings me down more and more.

It's Taylor's birthday today, and I've been having an internal debate on whether or not I should call him. I feel like if I did, he wouldn't answer, and If I don't, he will just hate me even more. I don't know what's right anymore, and I don't even know who I am.

The night of John's after party, I cried the whole way home. I felt terrible. I felt like I lost a special part of me I'll never get back, and I made a big mistake, but at the same time, I didn't really regret it. I was attempting to drive, but I couldn't really see because I was crying so much, and you might already know, I'm not the best driver as it is, so that was kind of scary.

I was lying in bed when my phone rang, it was John.

"Hey John!"

"Hey Taylor.."

"How are you?"

"You know, I've been thinking.."

"Yessssss?" I dragged out the s

"I don't think this thing we have going on here, is going to work out. The age difference really sucks."


"I just wasn't thinking when we did it.. I was so caught up in you."

"I can't believe you."

"I still want to be friends though.."

"I don't."

I hung up the phone, tears were streaming down my face. I was so angry. Why didn't I see this coming? Why didn't I listen to all the people telling me he's no good. I should have known..

Lautner's P.O.V

Well, it's been a great birthday! But, I didn't get a call or text from Taylor.. So that sucked. I'm kind of glad it's over though. February 12, 2011. Maybe something good will happen today I bet. I'm trying this new, 'Think Positive' thing.

I think I'm finally starting to move on. I can't focus on a broken heart, I've got a career to look forward too, and an amazing family, and amazing friends.

I was making corrections in my 'Abduction' script when my phone rang. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the name. With my hands shaking, I picked up the phone.


"Hi Taylor.." She stuttered

"What's going on?"

"I just thought I should let you know, John broke up with me.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry." On the outside, I was calm. On the inside? I was jumping with excitement.

"It's fine.. I should have guessed that was gonna happen.."

"Yeah, he's a douche." I kind of gave a half laugh

"Yeah he is.. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I put you through. You're a great guy.. and you didn't deserve anything of what I did to you.."

"That's nice Taylor, but.. It's too late to apologize.. My heart seriously felt like it was lit on fire, then chopped up and ran over by a car. Then I heard you with John in the hotel in December.. That killed me more than you'll EVER know."

"I-I-I I'm so sorry," She sobbed "I didn't know you heard that.. Everyday I regret what happened, between you and John..."

"I'll be friends with you, Taylor.. But I don't know if I could ever date you again. I would just be so worried that it would just be a repeat of the past.. and that would probably kill me if it ever happened again."

"But I thought you said you would love me? Forever and Always?"

"I do. I always will."

"I don't und-"

"I have to go, Taylor. I have to run lines with Lily. Be strong about John, and I'll text you when I can chat."

"I love you so much.." She whispered quietly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, I was uh, talking to my Mom."

"Oh.. O.k. By Tay."

I hung up the phone. That was so painful. I heard what she said, but I knew she wouldn't repeat it to me, she has too much pride for that. But, I wish she would've.

Swift's P.O.V

I know I don't need a boyfriend to be happy, but Taylor made me so happy, I don't know what I'll do without him.

I cried for the whole night. About John, Taylor, everything. I don't even know what's going on anymore. I have no one to talk to. Liz and Caitlin both have boyfriends, Abigail is busy at college, I WON'T talk to any of the boy band members, and my mom.. I couldn't even bare to tell her what happened. I'm completely alone.

It was 2 am and I couldn't sleep. This has been happening for about 1 month now, ever since I did what I did with John.

Suddenly, a lyric flowed through my head,

'These days, I haven't been sleeping, staying up playing back myself leaving.'

I wrote it down, and within an hour, I had a song. A apology, my first song apology ever. All for Taylor. I hope this will show him how sorry I am. I hope this will change things, and I hope this will get him back.

This song, was called 'Back to December'. You know what's coming up? The people's choice awards. You know who's going to be there? Taylor. You know what song I'm going to perform? 'Back to December'. and I'm going to dedicate it to him, right there. In front of the world.

This could either go really really good, or really really bad.

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