Chapter Ten- That September Night

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Swift's P.O.V

I woke up extra early today for the VMAs! I don't care how early it was, I'm just excited! Momma made me use the make up team for this event. I used to just call her mom, but then the fans started calling her Mama Swift and I thought it was cute. My dress was a brownish/goldish sparkly paradise! I LOVE sparkles and glitter if you didn't know. I was sitting in my makeup chair when my phone went off:

"Hey babe. I know you'll win today." Taylor said

We started texting back and forth and before I knew it 2 hours went by! Plus, after every text I kept smiling like an idiot and everyone knew something was up. Clara, my make up artist said,

"So, you texting a boy?"

"Maybe.. What would give you that idea?"

"Well, usually you don't just smile at your crotch if you're texting Abi." My first reaction was a really loud laugh, then sorrow flooded over me..

"Yeah.. I don't really talk to Abi anymore."

"Oh God, Tay I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I said. I kind of wanted to cry, but I don't want to ruin my make up.

Soon it was time to go to the red carpet! I walked that for about 20-30 minutes then went inside.

Time was flying by and then I saw Taylor get on stage. He was announcing 'Best Female Video' which apparently I was nominated for! That was exciting. Soon enough I hear Taylor say, "And the award for Best Female Video goes too.. TAYLOR SWIFT!" My jaw dropped! I got up, hugged my fiddle player Caitlin who was sitting next to me, and then I was walking to the stage and Lady Gaga grabbed my hand! I started saying my speech,

"Thank you so much! I've always dreamed about what it'd be like to maybe win one of these someday, but I never thought that it'd actually happen, uh I sing country music, so thank you so much for giving me a chance to win a VMA award. I-" Then the next part was kind of a blur.

Lautner's P.O.V

I was standing up on stage watching my girl receive her award. She's so grateful for everything, it's humbling to be with her. Then I see Kanye West hop on stage. What the hell? He took the mic from Tays hand and started interrupting her speech,

"Yo, Tayla, I'm really happen fo you and Imma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. One of the BEST videos of all time." Then he just shrugged and walked off like he did nothing wrong. Then handed her the mic.

Seeing Taylor, like that.. It crushed me. It really did, she was just looking at her mic, and I was trying to find that ass hole in the sea of people. I took Tays arm and walked her off stage.

As soon as we got back stage she started bawling. Like, immediately as we hit the curtains, tears just pored from her eyes, and this was probably the saddest thing I have ever witnessed. It disgusted me.

She collapsed on the floor and kept crying, and she had every right. I sat down with her and just held her. I knew talking would be no use, and I just wanted to hold her. I kept kissing the top of her head and squeezing her.

"I love you." I would say every five minutes.

About a half an hour goes by and her Mom and Scott come backstage,

"Taylor, you have to get ready for your performance." Scott said. It made me mad.

"You're honestly going to make her perform like this?" I said angry.

"Unless she doesn't want too.." Andrea interrupted

I feel Taylor's head come from underneath my shoulders.

"No, I want too." She said sniffling.

"Baby are you sure..?"

"One hundred percent.."

I helped her up off the ground and then she kissed me and whispered in my ear, "Thank you so much."

I just kissed her cheek and as she walked away she slowly let go of my hand, and a tear slid down my face..

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