Chapter Fourteen- Saturday Night Live

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Lautner's P.O.V

As Grant was tugging me back, I noticed he actually has a strong grip.

"What the hell bro?" I said

"Ok, listen. I know you think you're all hot because you're a movie star. But you're not. I know Tay better than you EVER will, and she deserves someone better than you."

"Excuse me, but I'm not going to stoop to your level. And you know what Grant? She did like you. But you were too busy dating Claire. So you snooze you loose. She's mine now and she say's she loves me, and I believe her."

I walked away steaming before he could even respond. I walk into the hotel room while Tay was changing.

"Oh God. Oh God. I'm so sorry.." I said while covering my eyes

"It's fine, I just need to put a shirt on." She said laughing

"So, your guitar player has a thing for you. He just bitched me out."

"... I know. He knows we can't date because 1) I'm taken," She smiled, and 2) Band members can't date each other.."

"Oh well."

I smiled and picked her up. I threw her on the bed. Don't worry we are just going to watch a movie.. For now.

Swift's P.O.V

He's agressive tonight! You're flipping through the channels and you see Twilight on.

"Ohh my favorite!" You joked.

"Next." He said



"We could just do this?"

You clicked off the t.v and turned towards Taylor. You put one arm around his neck and started kissing him, then tracing the outline of his abs with your fingers with the other hand. He bit his lip, obviously he's enjoying him self.

"This is much better than t.v" He said, breathing heavily

"I know."

You continue to make-out and other 'things' until you hear a knock on the door. You got off Taylor and said, "Come in!" Quickly fixing your hair

"Hey Mom."

"Hey kids, I was just checking up on you guys.."

"We are fine.."

"Yeah don't worry. Mrs. Swift I wouldn't do anything you wouldn't approve of. Taylor is better than that." He smiled

"Good to know." Mom said, "Goodnight!"

"night." You said in unison

"Where were we?" He said. You continued this for awhile until you both fell asleep. Before you drifted off you hear Taylor say, "Goodnight baby." and he kissed your forehead.

-Next Morning-

I woke up to the smell of coffee and the sight of Taylor changing.

"Well, this is a way to wake up." You said sitting up in bed.

"Good morning beautiful," He said while slipping his left leg into his jeans. "Ready for today?"


"still waking up?"


You got out of bed and slipped into sweats and a t shirt.

"They'll make me look decent." I said

"You're gorgeous." I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"Let's go get breakfast?" I suggested.

"Sure." Taylor smiled and grabbed ny hand.

We walked through the lobby and saw the whole band in a circle. Grant glared at me, and Liz and Caitlin came over and hugged me.

"What's his problem?" You said nodding towards Grant.

"Oh, he's just pissed he can't have you." Liz said


Taylor and I ordered our breakfast, and talked with Mom.

"So, Taylor is coming to Thanksgiving!" She said.

"Oh yeah?" I smiled at him

"That is if you want me there, both of you."

"Of course we do!" I said

"Ok kids, we have to go to the studio now, hair and make up starts early for SNL."

"You're going to be great, Hun." Taylor said consoling me.

"I agree." mom said

We got up from our table, paid, then headed off to the studio.

"Can't wait to hear that song." Taylor said.

'Shit.' I thought. I never wrote the monologue song.

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