Chapter Twenty One- Walmart

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Lautner's P.O.V

I sat down on Tay's bed and started talking to her.
"What's wrong?"
"Grant.. he kissed me." She said with a shaky voice
"Oh.." This kid needs to be punched in the face.
"But, I didn't kiss back I swear." I really hope she isn't lying.
"I believe you. Just never talk to him again or I will hurt him, I swear to God." I leaned over and kissed her neck and giving her a great big bear hug.
"Lets go finish some CSI. Plus your moms rice smells amazing."

I grabbed her hand and led her out to the couch. Tay's face was all red and blotchy because she had been crying. I don't know why she cries so much, it's not like I'm going to hit her! We ate some rice her mom made and it was seriously the best thing I've ever eaten. I wonder if Tay is this amazing of a cook.

I chatted with Liz and Caitlin a lot of the night while Tay was glued to her phone. It wasn't Grant, I asked. But she still looked upset.. Maybe she is fighting with one of her girlfriends or something? I don't know. That girl has too much drama in her life, she needs a break. Andrea said we were only about a half an hour away till the nearest walmart so we can stop in a buy me some necessities.

Swift's P.O.V

I was texting Selena. I know Taylor thought it was Grant but it really isn't. I was just texting her to ask how her and Bieber are doing, because I know she's interested in him. But she started yelling at me for dating Taylor.

From Selena 11:39PM: 'Why would you date Taylor? You know me and him dated.'

To Selena 11:40PM: 'It just kind of happened. He asked me out and I said yes, He's the only guy that has treated me nicely.'

From Selena 11:45PM: 'Have you ever thought guys just use you, Taylor? You're a slut. Get it through your head. We are DONE being friends, the only time I'll pretend is if we're at an award show. Good luck finding a real friend now.'

I didn't even respond. I just handed Taylor the phone and said,

"Read it."

He read the whole conversation and a look of sorrow crossed over his face. He came over and gave me a hug and said,

"I'm so glad I dumped her. She wasn't worth my time, but YOU are." I hugged her so tight and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"What now?" Liz said.
"Oh Selena just called me a slut, nothing out of the ordinary." Liz came over and hugged me at the same time Taylor did.
"Gomez?" Mom said
"She seemed so sweet."
"Well, looks can be deceiving."
"True that." She said

Oh Mama Swift, trying to be hip and what not. Not working. We all felt the bus come to a halt, so we look out the window to see nothing but walmart.

The things I do for you Taylor.

Lautner's P.O.V

We were on our way in to a walmart near Nashville. I had to get some decent looking clothes, how hard could it be.. right? some underwear, tank tops, and just normal care products. It was about midnight if not later when we finally walked in.

I was holding Tay's hand and Liz jumped on Caitlin's back, and Andrea was just kind of standing there awkwardly. To anyone who saw us, they were probably scared. We looked pretty messed up.

We went over to the men's section and Tay helped me pick out 5 pairs of jeans and 5 shirts she thought looked good on me. I went to the underwear and stuff by my self. I don't really feel the need to consult Tay on that..

I saw her looking at some posters and Liz and Caitlin were with her. They were giggling like little school girls so I snuck up behind them and asked,
"What's so funny?"

I saw them all start to blush and walk away. So I started flipping through the posters and my jaw dropped. I saw one of me when I was about fifteen and I was in a tree. My shirt was unbuttoned and to be honest I looked pretty dumb.

I then went to the magazines to get something for the bus ride back to Nashville. I saw Andrea looking at a 'Homes and Gardens' magazine and chuckled to myself. Liz was looking at 'GQ' with Caitlin and they were pointing out all the guys they found hot, and Tay was just looking at her phone.

I came up and hugged her from behind. I knew she liked that. I rested my head on her shoulder peeking at her phone, she was texting Selena again.

"She's really not worth your time." I said
"I know, I just don't understand why everyone thinks I'm a slut."
"YOU'RE NOT. You don't dress like one, you don't act like one, you don't talk like one, you're the farthest thing from a slut. Babe, trust me. I wouldn't be in love with a slut."

She smiled and kissed me and I blushed. I will never get tired of that feeling. I hear a click and I see a photographer taking a picture of us.

She ignored it, and that made me love her even more then I already do. Next stop: The Swift Family Thanksgiving.

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