Chapter Seventeen- I Missed You

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Lautner's P.O.V

It's been one day and it feels like one thousand. I decided to call Tay to see how her concert went, but it when straight to our voice mail,

Tay-" Hey it's Taylor."
Me- "and Taylor."
Tay-" and we can't get to the phone right now, sooo.."
Me- "Leave a message at the beep.."
Tay- "Beeeeeep."

A tear escaped my eye and I started leaving a message,

"Hey Tay. I know it's only been a few hours but I hope everything went well at your concert. I miss you like crazy and I wish I could be there with you. I love you so much and call me or text me. I need to hear from you. I love you, I love you, I lo-," Then I choked up, she could probably hear my crying, "love you." and then I hung up.

I was back home in Grand Rapids for a few days, then I'm going to surprise Tay at one of her concerts. I can't wait to see her reaction! My mom heard me on the phone and walked in,

"Hey sweetie."
"Hey Mom."
"Are you ok?"
"I miss her like crazy.."
"Maybe it'd be best for you honey if you dated someone else.. with a easier schedule.."
"It was just a suggestion.."
"Well thanks," I said full of anger, "You can leave now."
"It kills me to see you like this, Taylor."
"I know, Mom."

She left. I just sat on my bed and listened to Tay's CDs. I closed my eyes and pretended I was there with her. It's the best thing I could do to feel like I was with her. The song 'You're Not Sorry' came on. I felt oddly connected with this song. Like it was going to mean something to me in the future.. I don't know. I'm weird like that. My phone vibrated and I jumped up excited thinking it was Tay. It wasn't, it was my ex Sarah Hicks.

"Hey, I hear you're in Michigan?" She said
"I also hear you're with Taylor Swift?"
"Don't even go there, you broke up with ME. Remember? I sure do."
"She's just using you, you know. Mark my words, she's going to break your heart, and when she does, I won't be here."

I got so pissed, I threw my phone across the room and just left it there.

Swift's P.O.V

I woke up alone, sadly. I swore Taylor was here beside me. It just felt like it. I scuffed out of bed, put my slippers on and sat down at the pull out table. Mom was cooking breakfast.

"Good morning momma."
"Hey sweetie.. did you sleep ok?"
"Not really.."
"I figured. You were talking in your sleep the whole night."
"Yeah, you kept saying like, 'I'm sorry, Taylor.' 'I love you.' 'Don't go..' and all this stuff."
"Huh. That's odd."

I turn around and Liz jumped off from the top bunk.
"Yeah, and you kept kicking my bed."
"it's fine, I know what you're going through." She said, and she came over and hugged me then sat down next to me. I rested my head on her shoulder and just closed my eyes.

"I don't think I'm ready for tonight's show.." I said out of the blue
"Oh, how are you feeling by the way sweetie? You took a pretty hard spill last night."

Liz chuckled and I slapped her stomach.
"I'm ok."
"If Taylor was here, he'd make it feel better."
My mouth dropped and I laughed so loud, "LIZ!"

Even Mom was laughing, which doesn't happen to often to Liz's vulgar humor.
"Good thing your father isn't here." She said laughing. We ate our breakfast then headed to the arena. Liz went back to sleep, she does this EVERY. DAY. I call it 'SLOTH MODE'. Like this one time a year ago all the boys and girls were on the bus and Liz was like, half sleeping half eating and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

She was eating a banana and her eyes were still closed and Amos was narrating her like a Animal Planet show. I don't think I have ever laughed that hard in my whole entire life.

When we arrived to the arena we were just messing around dancing and playing games, then we decided to go to the kitchen to back Liz's "man friend" a cake for his birthday, that took way longer than expected, and we had to rush to do our hair and make up.

The show was going way better than expected and it was time to play 'Hey Stephan'. It was going great, and I surprisingly sounded on key. Then it was time to walk through the crowd and hug fans, then go to the mini stage. That is probably my favorite part of the whole show. It just feels amazing to be surrounded by that much love.

I was finishing up the song, when I saw him. Taylor was there. In the audience. I smiled so big and I hit the last note terribly. I through my guitar off to Shawn and jumped off the stage and hugged him, so tight. Everyone in the audience was "awing" and that made my whole week. I kissed his cheek, then I tried saying something but my arm was tugged by my security guard. But before he pulled me away I told him,

"Go to the soundboard. My mom's in there and you can stand with her. Meet me backstage af-" Then I was gone. But I'm pretty sure he got the point.

I was looking forward to after the show more than ever.

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