Chapter Twenty Seven- Don't Talk About Taylor Like That

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Swift's P.O.V

That crushed me. He used my own song lyrics towards me? That just made me feel even worse.. I deserve it though, the only thing I'm happy about is I'm not living a lie anymore. But his face when I told him.. It's stuck in my mind. I see it every time I close my eyes.

It'll be ok, he's young, hot and he'll be able to find a girl in a matter if seconds if he wanted. I doubt he will, but he could.

I spent most of the next days lounging, feeling terrible, lousy, and just.. crappy. My mom came over and we got a chocolate shake and fries. Sometimes, I think in certain situations, that's all you need.

"Why are you so sad if YOU broke up with him?" She asked
"He didn't deserve it."
"You can't help it if you don't feel the same. Yes, he was an amazing guy.. probably the nicest you've ever dated.. but."

I stood up. Sometimes she just makes the situation worse,
"I gotta go."
"But, Taylor-"
"I gotta go."
"I'll talk to you about birthday plans later!"

I walked out of that restaurant sadder then when I entered. But then, my phone rang..

'Call from Unknown number'
"Probably his mom calling to harass me.." I muttered under my breath. I decided to be brave and pick up the phone.

"uh, hello?" I said
"Hey, this is John Mayer." OHMYGOD. I love him.
"Oh.. Hey!"
"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to join me on a song for my new record?"
"I'd be honored!"
"Great! I'll have my producer call you to tell you where the recording studio is at. Have a good day, Taylor."
"You too!" I shouted! I jumped up and down by myself in the middle of the parking lot.

Suddenly, I forgot all about Taylor.

Lautner's P.O.V

I was sitting at home all alone, just staring at the phone. Wait, why? I need to move on. I'm sure she won't be the last girl I'll date, even though she's the only one I've actually loved, but, that's whatever. I gotta movie coming up. Maybe I'll meet someone on set. She's probably already found new prey anyway.

I was reading through the 'Abduction' script when I heard a knock on the door. It was mom,
"Hey sweetie.."
"hey mom."
"How's that script looking?"
"Pretty good, actually. Good plot, bad ass character I'd be playin'."
"That's good sweetie.. So otherwise, are you, ok?"
"Just fine."
"But, Taylor.."
"Yup, she broke my heart just like everyone told me, you hear to say 'I told you so'?"
"Honey, that's not it at all.."
"then why are you here?"

I see a shadow come from behind my mom, it was Sarah. Why in hell is she here!?

"Hey." She said
"I'll just leave you two alone.." My mom said then walked away
"I see your room hasn't changed at all."
"So.. I'm sorry about you and Taylor."
"How'd you know?"
"Have you not seen the news?"

One week later and it's already all over the news? Why the hell did she tell?

"What channel?" I said to Sarah
"E!" She responded.

I flipped on channel 74 and saw the headlines

I sighed, "Oh my God."

Ryan Secrest began to talk,
"Hollywood's hot teen couple 'Taylor Squared' as entertainment blogger s dubbed them is D.O.A. Sources tell us Swift called it splits because 'Lautner had stronger feelings then she did.' He even flew out to Tennessee to be with her and her family on Thanksgiving, that was the last straw for Swift. She couldn't keep up with pretending anymore. Maybe in the future Taylor Squared will come back to life. What do you think? Tell us on our online poll at E"

"Holy shit he's annoying." I said to Sarah.
"Is that really what happened?"
I nodded and looked at my script.. I felt terrible.
"You really loved her, huh?"
I nodded again, and I started to cry, she hugged me.
"I'm so sorry.." She said rubbing my back
"I gave her everything with all my heart.." I whimpered
"That's just who she is, a heart breaker, trying to get another song out of someone,Taylor."
That made me angry.
"She's not like that."
"Obviously." She said sarcastically
"Leave. Don't talk about her like that."
"What the-?"
"LEAVE. don't come back."

She looked shocked. Whatever. I couldn't help but think what Taylor is doing right now...

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