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Chapter 3

Hurrying to Mr. Steven's classroom, Adriana couldn't stop running. She grips onto her heart to try and calm her breathing.

Adriana hears loud footsteps behind her. She was able to smell the three girls from the bathroom. A low growl couldn't stop escaping her throat. Whipping her head around, spotting the three girls behind her.

"Why the hell are you three following me?!"

She glares angry fangs at the three. Making them flinch back. Adriana couldn't help but smirk at their fear. "Listen, just leave me alone!" Adriana barks at them. She turns back around and walks off.

Now at Mr. Steven's classroom door, Adriana still senses the three girls behind her. Instead of growling, she shoots a death glance at them. Adriana noticed that they were just staring at her. Slightly confused, Adriana doesn't give them another thought.

She turns to the door and bursts it open. Having it hit the wall hard. She catches everyone's gaze in the classroom. Adriana shoots them all angry glances, slightly growling.

Her anger almost wakened her Beast completely. Every kid in the room averted their eyes from her. Their fearful auras filling the room.

"Miss Adriana Coleman, you are late once again!" said Mr. Steven. He earns a heated gaze from Adriana. Seeing how angry she was. Her glare even made Mr. Steven shrink down in fear.

"Like I care." she snaps. Turning around, Adriana walks to her seat. But she stops when she saw someone that she didn't want to see too soon.

It was Orion.

Adriana saw he was sitting next to her empty seat at the table. Quickly swallowing her slight fear, she continues to walk to her seat. Avoiding the gaze of Orion and anyone else. But mostly Orion's.

Sitting down on her seat, Adriana takes out her notebook from her backpack. Looking bored and as if nothing happened. The smell of Orion kept bothering Adriana's nose. Both making her feel lust but also made her feel bothered.

"Well now that everyone is here, we can carry on with what we were discussing." said Mr. Steven. Adriana could feel his glare at her after he spoke.

Instantly rolling her eyes, Adriana stares blankly at nothing. "Hey uh, Adriana?" She felt her chest tighten when she hears Orion's voice. Slowly turning her head to Orion, Adriana shows a sheepish look. "Y-Yes?" Adriana said nervously. Watching as Orion quirked an eyebrow at her, Orion opened his mouth to say something. "I want to thank you for showing me where Mr. Steven's class. But I want to know if you're alright, you just ran off, and you looked like you were in pain."

Adriana bites down on her lower lip to not show much fear. "Uh I just had some something important to do." Orion stared at her, looking like he didn't believe her. He quirks a red eyebrow at her. "I know what you are, you are just like me."

Completely silent, Adriana could only stare at him. She could only breathe and blink a few times. "I have no idea what you are talking about." Orion gave her a look that says "I know you're lying." Adriana just sends him a cold glare.

"Listen, Orion, you don't know me. So don't act like you do!" Adriana all but shouted. She watches as Orion just shrug and continue to listen to Mr. Steven's lecture.

"You're lucky you're back in school." said an icy, male voice from behind. Adriana mentally cursed when recognizing the voice. Her slight anger had her bubble up a growl that was awaiting to escape.

Turning her head slightly to look behind her. She sees a jock, who had a mean smile on his face. Knowing who it was, he was a friend of the quarterback who she had broken his arm.

Adriana gave him a cold glare from where she sat. "Whatever." she snapped. Turning her head back around, Adriana was about to pay attention again. But she wasn't able to when a clump of paper hit the back of her head.

The sounds of snickers sounded in her ears.

No longer able to handle her anger, Adriana grips the table. Her nails dug deep into the table, creating deep claw marks. She slowly runs her claws down, giving off a slow screech.

Adriana feels her Beast awaken and she lost control of her body. She feels her body have a mind of its own, it stood and whipped her body around. Facing the jock with a cold gaze. Her turn made him and his seat partner flinch back. Adriana lifts her fist and was about to punch him. But a hand caught her fist before it went crashing into the jock's face.

Shooting her head to who owned the hand. Adriana saw it was Orion. He had a look of worry and disappointment. A low growl escaped Adriana's lips as she stares at him. Using her free hand, Adriana grabs Orion's collar.

"MISS COLEMAN!" screamed Mr. Steven. But his scream went on dead ears.

Adriana and Orion continued to stare at each other. Yanking him forward so their noses were close to touching, Adriana shows a death threat in her eyes.

"Never grab me!"

Her words dripped poison as she spoke. Letting go of Orion, Adriana collected all her stuff. Then she leaves the classroom with a huff. Not giving anyone a single glance.

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