New Place

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Chapter 6

Adriana and Orion continued to stare at each other. Both not daring to move. Not minding the slightly naked bodies on each other.

Slowly walking toward Adriana, Orion shows a smile. "See, I told you you are like us." A small chuckle escaped his lips as he tried to smile. But Adriana just kept staring at him. Her heart beating a mile a minute.

"I didn't need saving." was all Adriana said. Instead of being grateful, she became cold. A cold glare appeared on her face as she glared at Orion. He gave her a disappointed look at her words. "Didn't see that one coming." he replies with a plain face. Orion looks up at Adriana with a worried look.

"Listen, and you have to trust me," Adriana crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. Orion just continued,"I know what you're going through-" Before he could finish his sentence, Adriana interrupted him. "NO! No you don't! I'm not like you at all, I'm a Beast! And I want to find a damn cure!"

She turns around and grabs her backpack. Not wanting to be with Orion any longer. But she feels Orion's warm hand grab her shoulder. A low growl escapes her lips when he squeezes her shoulder. Adriana whips her head around to glare at Orion. Seeing how worried and serious he looked.

Orion suddenly did the unthinkable to Adriana. He grabs her chin and gives her a sudden kiss. Adriana's eyes bulged out of her sockets once she feels Orion's lips on hers. But then Orion threw her over his bare shoulder. And ran off into the forest. Adriana was screaming and shouting at him to drop her. Thrashing all around to possibly make him let her go.


Orion refused to listen as he ran faster and farther into the forest. His feet making no sound at all. Keeping a tight grip on Adriana. "Orion, if you don't put me down in the next five seconds I will bite your hand off!" Adriana threatened. But he wouldn't listen to her.

After about twenty minutes Orion stopped at a large home. It was in the middle of the forest, and looked worn down. But there were more houses nearby, but at least a mile away. Adriana looked around the place where she now was. Smells of other wolves were everywhere.

Orion finally sets down Adriana. Allowing her to turn around and scowl angrily at him. "You have some nerve to kidnap me! Luckily I kept my Beast side in vain. Or else you would've been dead by now!" Adriana snapped angrily. She grabs a lock of Orion's hair and yanks him forward. Making the two touch noses. "Why the hell am I here?! Answer me!" Orion now looked slightly scared at her anger.

"I brought you here so we can help you. I know what you're going through!" Adriana shakes her head at him and says,"No you don't! No one does! I've been Cursed, you got it! I've been like this every sense I was five!" Her eyes changed to her Beast's eyes. The tips of her top canines were able to be seen when she had her mouth closed.

"Well looks like you brought scary girl from school!" exclaimed a familiar voice.

Both Adriana and Orion turn to see Mack. He wore a sleeveless shirt and khaki shorts. Looking all cool and calm. Adriana just snarled at Mack when she saw him. But she saw two girls behind him, and Adriana recognized them. They were the girls from the bathroom when she was close to changing.

Adriana let's go of Orion's hair and backs away. She looks around at her surroundings. Never has she seen this place before.

"Where am I?" she asked Orion. Finally she was calm and her human features were shown. "You are at my home, where my entire pack lives. Sense we all don't have families except Andrea." Adriana stared at Orion when he said Andrea. "Who-" before she could reply Orion interrupted her. "Andrea is my cousin."

Adriana didn't exactly care when he spoke. "I'm going back home-but first I need to know where I am!" she said which earned a chuckle from Mack. So she growled at him and grumbled something under her breath."Please Adriana, stay here for awhile. I want to talk to you." Orion practically begged. Adriana just stares at Orion with a mean look.

Shrugging and nodding only once, Adriana finally calms herself down. "Okay, fine." she said, finally giving in. Adriana suddenly drops down and sits down on the ground. Feeling herself grow very tired suddenly. Her eyes grow very tired and she blinked a few times to try and stay awake.

"Damn, I feel sleepy all of a sudden." Adriana said as she rubs her eyes. Suddenly she feels something on her neck. Grabbing the item that was implanted in her skin. Pulling out the object from her neck, she finds what it was. A tranquilizer dart.

"Oh no-


The feeling of a body landing on Adriana's body made her grunt. She weakly looks at who was on her. Seeing it was Orion.

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