New Day

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Chapter 9

She wakes up with a calm breath. Feeling that how much she was calm for once. Adriana blinks a few times and takes in a deep breath.

Sitting up in a sitting position, Adriana notices where she was. Not was she in her bedroom or in her home. Instead she was in a different room, with a different scent. The smell was covered with wolves.

Adriana looks down at her body and saw she was covered with a wool blanket. She touches the blanket and felt how perfectly hand stitched it was. A tiny smile appeared on her face as she looks at the blanket.

Rolling off the bed, Adriana did her usual routine. Landing perfectly on her feet and standing up. Stretching out her body and let all her muscles crack and pop.

Standing up straight, Adriana looks around the room. The smell in the room was Andrea's. Memories from yesterday came to her. All made her completely shocked. But she calmed down.

Walking to the door, grabbing the doorknob. The door suddenly opens before she could twist it. Adriana jumps back in shock and stares at the door. The door opens and exposes Bryanna. She stared startled at Adriana, obviously knowing what happened.

"Morning, Adriana." she said with a smile. Adriana blinks a few times before saying the same to Bryanna. She looks away and doesn't dare to look at Bryanna. "Orion and his friends went to school. I told your mother that I'll be returning you once you awake, also telling her you were sick." A smile appeared on Adriana's lips. "Thanks, so I'll be going now." She walks toward the door but Bryanna stops her.

Bryanna shook her head and says,"You need food." She shows that she held a tray in her hands. Adriana looks down at the food and saw how delicious the food looked. The smell made her nose twitch in delight. Not able to handle her hunger no more, Adriana shoots her hands toward the food. Snatching the food from the tray and scarfed it down her throat. Finishing her food in ten seconds flat.

A loud laugh escaped Bryanna's lips as she watches Adriana eat. "My my, you eat like a hungry lion!" she commented with a giggle. Adriana gave her a sheepish smile as she continued to eat. "This-is delicious!" Adriana said through chews. Finishing her food, a relived smile on her face.

"Thank you." Adriana said happily. She mentally bounced like a little girl. A bright smile literally appeared on her face. Adriana was completely shocked by her movements. Never has she done those kind before. She looks up at Bryanna and saw her smile. It was too contagious and made Adriana smile back.

"Let's head downstairs, my husband wants to speak to you."

Adriana was silent but nodded. She walks out of the bedroom and downstairs. Scents of the entire pack spun around her as she walked. Some of the scents made her cough.

"Oi, is one of them is wearing too much perfume?" Adriana said while coughing. She covers her nose and breathes through her mouth. Breathing in better without the smell of perfume. "Paisley sometimes puts on too much perfume." Bryanna said while scrunching up her nose as well. Adriana couldn't help but laugh loudly.

She walks into the kitchen and spots breakfast. Adriana immediately snatches a bagel and eats fast. Feeling her hunger fading faster and faster. The sounds of laughter filled her ears as she ate. Looking up, Adriana sees Caesar and Bryanna watching her. Both looking very amused.

Giving them a sheepish smile, Adriana shrugs.

'Whats going on with me?! Never have I felt like this. Am I already accepting them as friends or when a family!?'

"Thanks for your hospitality, I'll be going now." Adriana replies with a bow of her head. Standing up straight, she turns around and heads to the door. Snatching her backpack on the way. "Adriana, could you wait for a second?" Caesar asked quickly. Stopping in place, Adriana silently cursed. She slowly turns to face Caesar and Bryanna, a smile on her face.

Caesar motions Adriana to sit at a chair. She slowly walks to the chair and sits down. Feeling a little unsure. Sitting down, Adriana takes in deep breaths. Trying to calm herself down as much. Looking up toward Caesar and Bryanna, seeing them staring at her. "So. . .why do you need to talk to me?" asking nervously, Adriana shifted in her seat.

A smell of anxiousness seemed to have filled the air. Filling the three wolfs' noses. Adriana shifts uncomfortable in her seat as Caesar and Bryanna stared at her. Both grown wolves looking uncomfortable as well.

"We think it's best for you to be part of our pack." Bryanna suddenly blurted. Adriana stared at her dumbfounded. Not believing what Bryanna just said. "W-What!?" she asked unbelievingly. Bolting up from her seat, sending it crashing to the ground. Caesar quickly sprung into action and pushed Adriana back. Keeping her at bay.

Adriana and Bryanna continued to stare at each other. Calm blue eyes staring at startled green.

"W-Why!? Why do you want me in your pack!?" Adriana asked stunned. Her eyes searched for an answer in Bryanna's eyes. But she couldn't find any answer. "We both think its best, we can help you cure the Beast within you. And you won't feel out of place. Adriana, have you ever experienced friendship?" Caesar said curiously and sadly. The question caught Adriana off guard, making her feel insecure. She looks at Caesar with clouded eyes. Tears were nearly threatening to escape her eyes.

Shaking her head quickly, Adriana bit down on her lip. Ignoring the searing pain she was causing. The taste of blood immediately filled her mouth as she bit down harder. Adriana let's go of her mouth and licks her wounded lip. Feeling how deep the bite she caused.

"No, I never have."

"Okay, from now on, you are in our pack!" Bryanna said excitedly.

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