Facing Slade

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Chapter 14

" I'm not letting you think I'll be more emotional towards you."

Adriana let off a smirk as she stood up. Holding out her hand for Orion to take. She gave him a warm smile as she helped Orion up. Orion gave her a smile as he stood back up. Groaning as he stood.

Turning around, Adriana walks off. Thinking that Orion will follow her. Grabbing her backpack while she walked. She froze in place once she picked up the bag. Feeling the motion to runaway once again.


Hearing her name knocked her out of her thoughts. Adriana turns around to see Orion staring at her. Looking a little worried. "Are you okay?" Orion then asked.

Instead of replying Adriana turns her head. Feeling anxiety come over her.

"N-Not really." she admitted. Before she could respond once again. A sudden presence appeared in her senses.

Adriana turns around to look where the presence was sensed. She turns to look at Orion then back at where she sensed where the presence was. Slowly she walked toward the presence was.

Before she got any closer, a black blur runs passed her. A hard rush of air passed her. Blowing her long, raven hair everywhere. Adriana let out a startled gasp as she fell backwards. Landing on her butt hard.

Orion's yelp of horror startled Adriana. She turns around and sees a figure on top of Orion. A knife was in the person'd hand and was trying to kill him.

Sensing kicking in, Adriana pounces into the air. Transforming into her large wolf form.

'That person has some nerve trying to kill Orion!'

Adriana claws and bites the person's back. Succeeding in knocking him off. She flips the person over onto his back. Looking at his face and Adriana didn't become startled at who it was.


She growls angrily at him and reached her hand toward his throat. Gripping Slade's neck right around. His neck nearly fitted around her hand. The color of Slade's face was already turning blue from lack of air. A low gasp escaped out of Slade's mouth.

He looks at Adriana and his eyes widened. His eyes changed to a bright pink. The pupils glowed pure gold.

Adriana stared in awe at his eyes.

Slade smirked and kicked Adriana in the stomach. Sending her crashing into tons of trees. Adriana didn't flinch or scream. Only low groans escaped her mouth.

Looking up with hazy eyes. Adriana finds Orion had engaged into a hand to hand fight with Slade. The two were throwing punches and kicks at one another. Some of the punches succeeded in hitting the other person. Though did look fatal.

Adriana stands back up and limps toward the two. Flexing her bruised fingers. Feeling the nails grow into a sharp point. She walks into the clearing and walked straight at Slade. Who sent a roundhouse kick to Orion's throat. Sending Orion flying to the side.

She then sprinted at full speed and body slammed into Slade. Crashing him on a bunch of rocks. Burying him into all of them. Adriana smirked and walked toward the pile of rocks. The smell of him didn't seemed wounded or anything. Just calm.

Adriana reaches her hand into the pile and tried to feel Slade. A sudden hand retched out of the rocks and grabbed Adriana by the throat. Getting Adriana by surprise. She falls back and has Slade fall on top of her.

The two stared at each other, both breathing hard.

"You really are Cursed aren't you?" Slade asked suddenly. He keeps his grip on Adriana's neck, but loosened enough for her to speak and breathe.

Adriana nods to his question but didn't try to get out of his grasp. Instead she just stared at his strange colored eyes. "Yes it's true, I have been sense age five." Adriana choked out.

Slade nods and let's go of her throat. Slowly backing away from her. He holds up his knife and tossed it aside. Showing he wouldn't harm her. Adriana stared at him but she stood up. Becoming wary around Slade.

"I knew once I saw you I knew you were Cursed. I could see inside you the darkness swirling around you. Like smoke swirling around and around."

Staring at Slade in astonishment. Looking away from him, Adriana didn't want to talk. "What I want to know is why you try to kill those wolves." Adriana said angrily. Crossing her arms, she glares at Slade. Seeing how angry he became at her words. "I'm not answering that question." Slade said strictly.

Huffing in frustration, glaring darkly at Slade. Adriana slowly walks toward him. A dangerous aura flaring around her. She reaches forward and places her clawed, index finger at his Adam's apple.

Slade gasps once she applied pressure on his Adam's apple. He gulped down but winced. Feeling the sharp pressure. Slade stares at Adriana in fear.

"If you don't answer me, you won't live to see another day." Adriana said darkly. Her eyes changed to her Beast's eyes. But the edges of her eyes had swirls touching her irises. The irises were now the color of blood.

Eyes widening in horror, Slade struggled to breathe. Staring at her dangerous looking eyes. "I-I wasn't told why. My leader told me that we had a feud with all the wolf packs of this state. So I was taught to hate and kill every wolf in the Arizona state."

Adriana nods but didn't love the sound of it. "Well tell your leader, that Adriana won't stand for it. That I will battle him to my last breath." she said.

Slade nodded and was gone in a split second.

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