Meeting The Curser

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Chapter 16

Adriana stared deep into the eyes of who ruined her life. Seeing how calm and warm he looked on her bed. He gave her a kind smile.

Fear pumped through her veins as she stared at him. Her breath was caught in her throat. Beginning to feel lightheaded.

She looked over the man's clothing. He wore shredded jeans with a cloak. The same clothes that she met him in.

"W-What are you doing here!?" Adriana asked frightened. She backs away to the door. Hearing it close suddenly made her wince. Adriana felt all her muscles tense as she heard the slam.

"I came to see my favorite wolf. My, you have grown. It's amazing you haven't run away."

His voice sounded cold and venomous. Sending shivers up Adriana's spin. Pressing her back harder against the door. Slowly trying to find the knob to escape.

Suddenly, the man stood up and walked over to Adriana. A cold smile on his lips. The color of his eyes changed to midnight blue.

Pressing his hand on her heart. The man closed his eyes and listened. While Adriana had a reddened face by where he was touching. She took a deep breath and then punched him. Sending him flying across the room.

Adriana shakes her head to rid the fear. Then she placed on her game face. Looking frightening like before. She strolls over to the man. Her claws beginning to grow longer to a different length. Growing to seven inches.

"You've certainly have grown much stronger." the man said with a cough. Blood was running down his nose. He looks at Adriana and smiled. Wiping the blood away, the blood no longer went down.

Adriana growled at him, gaining more and more impatient and angry. The color of her eyes slowly changed to a bloody red color.

"I want to know your name!" Adriana demands coldly. Getting into a fighting stance. Showing all of her ten claws.

The man sighed and says,"My name is Ario, child."

Adriana's eyes widened, knowing what his name meant. She calms down but staid cautious. "You are NOT a lion, they are proud and full of pride! YOU ARE NOTHING!" Adriana practically shouted at him.

Ario looked hurtful once she said those words.

"You are just some Curser! You turned me into a fucking monster! Feeling unwanted than I'm already am."

Slowly standing up, Ario flexed his muscles. Showing how muscular he really was. The look of him made Adriana blush a little. Adriana looks away and feels herself grow hot. Her body lost control and collapsed to the floor.

Tears were rolling down her face. Adriana couldn't move her body. No muscle listened to her or obeyed her.

"Incase you're wondering, I'm controlling your body." Ario said as he walked toward Adriana. She stared at him in fear the closer he got. Her body didn't move to escape. Even her head disobeyed her.

Adriana felt her eyes burned. As if sand fell on her eyes. Burning her eyes like fire. More tears shed. She closed her eyes to try and relieve the pain.

The feeling of a hand touched her breast. Making her gasp in shock. Adriana shot opens her eyes to see Ario right in front of her. A soft look on his face.

"Don't touch me!" Adriana said in gasps. She tried her best to regain power of her body. Still her body refused. "Sorry but no. I want to see what you look like under the covers."

Adriana's eyes bulged wide. She immediately tried to move her body. Only making her body twitch as if she was having a seizure.

Ario picked up Adriana's paralyzed body. Holding her as a bride, he strolled over to the bed. A warm smile on his lips. Adriana glared angrily at him as she tried to resist the spell he placed upon her.

Placing her paralyzed body on the bed. Ario slowly puts himself on top of her. Adriana watched as he crawled on top of her. Breathing till she gave out raspy breaths.

"Touch me and I will do my best to finish you off!" Adriana said with poison dripping down her words. Her fangs poked out of her mouth. Showing how serious she was. Except Ario didn't look any bit frightened. Instead he looked amused. Staring down at her like she was his own.

Reaching up, Ario ran his hand up the side of her stomach. Slowly caressing her smooth, heating flesh. Causing Adriana to tense up.

Sucking in her stomach as far as she could. Adriana held her gasps as hard as she could. Suddenly she felt her shirt move up. The feeling of Ario's hands ran up her stomach. Causing hundreds of painful shivers to run up her entire body.

Ario ripped her shirt in two. Ripping it quick and silently. Adriana stared shocked at how well he ripped her shirt. But still tried to move her body. Wanting to cover her chest so badly.

"You're still pure, but I smell wolf on you. Another wolf."

Adriana glared daggers at her Curser. Seeing how confused he looked in the darkness. "So what." she snapped bitterly.

Looking at her with disappointment. Ario grabbed Adriana's throat and began to take off all of her clothes.

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