Running Away

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Chapter 11

Adriana stared in shock at the two boys. Seeing how smug they looked. The boy she met was staring at her with something in his eyes. Something she couldn't explain.

She looks deep inside his soul through her beastly eyes. Adriana sniffed the air and smelt his aroma. Smelling how his scent changed to lustful. Eyes glowing as bright in perspective.

Feeling very odd from his gaze. Adriana stares at the boy some more. Wondering what he was thinking.

Turning to look at Orion, seeing him glaring at them. The color of Orion's eyes changed to dark, navy blue. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he stared at the two.

Confusion overcame her as she wondered what a Reaver was. Never has she heard of them before.

"Uh what's a Reaver?" Adriana asked dumbly.

Once they looked at her she doesn't shrink when three pairs of eyes look at her. All shocked at her question. The three boys all had dumbfounded faces.

"How do you not know what we are?!" demanded the tallest Reaver. Adriana just shrugs and says,"Ive never heard of you guys. Doesn't even ring a bell." The Reaver sent Adriana a killer glare. His eyes flashing a firing orange.

Adriana shrugs and gives them a smirk. She crosses her arms and rests her shoulder on the lockers. Looking at the Reavers with a smug look. No longer nervous or frightened. Instead she was amused at them.

"Who are you!?" Orion demanded coldly. He takes a step forward and let's out a warning growl. The color of his eyes changing.

Adriana steps back and watches how it may turn out.

"My name is Slade." said the boy who Adriana bumped into. "I'm He-Lush-Ka, Lush for short." said the cruel one. He was giving Orion and Adriana sneerful look. Earning cold glares from both.

Adriana shrugs and says,"Okay, so why are you here? This ain't your territory." She smirks when she saw Slade show slight fear. Obviously striking fear into him. Lush growled at Adriana and his eyes flashed aura pink.

Suddenly, her enter body went weak. Adriana's knees buckled. Causing her to grip the lockers. But had her cause dents and claw marks. Adriana feels her fangs sharpen as her knees buckled. Feeling how weak she was suddenly feeling.

Orion grabbed Adriana and helped her back on to her feet. Keeping her to stand up straight. But Adriana smacked his hands away. A low growl escaping her lips. Warning him to not touch her. Adriana clawed into Orion's arm to maintain grip. Standing back up and to focus her gaze at Lush and Slade.

Looking back to Lush and Slade. Giving both intense glares. Adriana slowly walked toward Slade and reached toward him. Succeeding to grab his throat. Then lifting him off the ground and to her eye level. "Listen Slade, I ain't some bitch you can mess around. So you should step off and leave this school if you still want your head." Adriana snarled, showing her fangs.

'Just allow me to destroy him. If he's an enemy of Orion and his pack then he should be dead!' screamed Adriana's inner Beast.

"Adriana, you're drawing a crowd!" Orion hissed. Adriana turns her head and finds a crowd watching them. All looking astonished and scared. Once they saw Adriana looking at them they scattered. All afraid she would attack them next. Adriana just smirked at how frightened they were.

She drops Slade to the floor and turned around. "You should leave!" Adriana mentions to Slade and Lush before leaving the three boys. Not giving them a second thought or look.

'Its best to just leave this place! We both know no one would care if you leave. You have been isolated enough, let's just leave!'

Adriana hears her Beast side say. Hearing how serious and angry it was. She looks ahead of her, then back at Slade, Lush, and Orion. Seeing that they were arguing. She looks back ahead of her and saw she was heading straight to the door. Adriana takes a deep breath and nods.

"Yes, let's leave. . ."


Running straight to her home. Adriana feels the pit of her stomach clench. Tears of anger and pain ran down her face.

'Don't you dare cry! Crying shows weakness!'

Shaking her head to not think of Beast's words. She runs toward the house and sees her window. Adriana gets down on her haunches and pounces. Flying through the air toward the balcony.

Landing neatly on her feet. Adriana walks to the window that is attached to her room. Grabbing the handle, she pushes it aside. The sliding window slid to the left and let Adriana in.

Entering her bedroom, Adriana is met by being tackled. She darts her eyes to who tackled her. Finding her dog, Winter.

Winter was snuggling against Adriana's chest. Giving off a purring sound. Adriana just giggled at her dog. But stopped and remembered why she was there. She immediately pushed Winter away from her form.

Standing back up, Adriana takes off her backpack. Then she empties it out and dumps it on her bed. Not wanting to make any sound. Adriana turns around and hurries to her dresser.

Quickly ripping open the dresser and snatches clothes. Grabbing about twenty shirts and four bras. Nine jeans, and then her wallet. Finishing on stuffing all those clothes in her black backpack. Then placing her wallet into the side pocket.

Adriana reaches into her pocket and takes out her phone. Finding that she had received over thirty text messages. All from Paisley, Orion, and Andrea. Adriana growls loudly while she read most of them.

'Adriana where r u!?'

'Adriana r u alright!?!?'


Deleting all messages from her phone.

Adriana crushes the phone in her hand. Letting pieces fall out of her hand. "You won't see me again." she said darkly.

Turning around, Adriana zipped up her backpack. She looks around at her room. Winter was on the ground, looking up at Adriana.

"Sorry girl, but this maybe the last time you'll see me. . ."

Walking out of the window. Adriana jumps out the window and straight out toward the woods.

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