8 nodaļa

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Es - ja lab tagad koncentrējamies uz ansambli Ok?
Sei.Oli.- Ok ......bet pie kuras vietas mēs esam?
Es - em redzi? Pie šīs...laipni viņam pateicu
Sei. Oli. - paldies ka pateici ,tas ir ļoti mīļi no tavas puses
Es - ņem par labu
Sei. Oli. - tā arī darīšu
Es - labi atgriežamies pie dziesmas
Līdz ko viņš saka dziedāt es saku kust no viņa balss tembra. Viņš tik skaisti dzied ak mans dievs. Lab jābeidz siekaloties savādāk padomās ka esu ķerta.

A shot in me down
The past and the chase
You hunted me down
Like a wolf, a predator
I felt like a deer in the lights

You loved me and I froze in time
Hungry for that flesh of mine
But I can't compete with the she wolf who has brought me to my knees
What do you see in those yellow eyes?
'Cause I'm falling to pieces

I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
Falling to pieces

Did she lie and wait
Was I bait, to pull you in
The thrill of the kill
You feel, is a sin
I lay with the wolves
Alone, it seems
I thought I was part of you

You loved me and I froze in time
Hungry for that flesh of mine
But I can't compete with the she wolf who has brought me to my knees
What do you see in those yellow eyes?
'Cause I'm falling to pieces

I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
Falling to pieces

I'm falling to pieces (Falling to pieces)
Falling to pieces (Falling to pieces)
I'm falling to pieces (Falling to pieces)
Falling to pieces (Falling to pieces)

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