Chapter 1

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Cory P.O.V.

"Cory, you have to do this, and you owe me the favor after what I did" Rumple spoke clearly. He had worried yet anger hidden in his words. I could tell his feelings like no one else because of how long I have known him. All though we are not related by blood, I think of Rumple as a father so I call him Papa. Even though he sometimes tenses up because of Baelfire or Neal as he goes by now-a-days called him that.

"But Papa-................. what if he hurts me?" I asked while letting go of tears I had been holding back and looking into his cold dark eyes. "He won't. I promise you. You just need to do this for me please" he begged me while cupping his hands on my face and then giving me a big hug. "Fine, I'll do it, but promise me" I spoke. "Anything Darlin" Rumple said while kissing my temple. "I won't get hurt; Physically or Emotionally" I asked pleadingly. He then sighed and put my head on his chest in a fatherly way. "Only you can control that one Darling"


It's been 2 days since that conversation. Rumple said that he was getting a friend to bring my to Neverland. He told me to wait by the shore, as I waited I noticed a bright blue mermaid tail. My heart sank. Not her, anyone but her. The Mermaid swam up to the shore she spoke kindly and full hearted,

"Hi, I'm Ariel. Rumpelstiltskin told me to bring you to Neverland so here I am" she spoke all happily. "Just put on your bracelet please and you will gain your tail" she stated cheerfully just like last time. I did what was asked and I immediately fell into the water. I had a bright green tail. "Interesting" Ariel piped up."OK, so here we go" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the water. That's when I went into total darkness.


I woke up on a different shore of some random place with jungles and many trees. This must be Neverland. I turned my head to see Ariel sitting on a big boulder. "Took you long enough to wake up Cory" Ariel said. I know for a fact that Rumple didn't tell her my name. "Ho-How do you know m-my name?" I sputtered out loudly. Rumple said no one would remember me after the spell. "Cory, I was in a different realm when Rumple cast the spell for no one to remember you. So, it didn't work on me." She said while biting her lip. "I'm so sorry for what she did Ariel" I piped up as I felt my eyes sting with tears threatening to roll down my cheek. "Don't worry. It is not your fault. It's your mothers-" She then just stopped and turned towards the water. "I gotta go- my father is calling me" she spoke before jumping into the water ice cold water.

"I thought she would never leave" I male voice popped up from behind me, I British male voice. I tried to stand up to see who it was but I still had my bright green tail. I quickly took off the bracelet pff my right arm and put it in my satchel I carried with me. As my tail disappeared and my legs appeared I heard another chuckle. Probably from the same voice. "Isn't magic just wonderful" the voice said, because of it's manliness I'm guessing it is a guy. I twirled around while grabbing my dagger from my satchel and pointing it towards where the voice was coming from.

"You don't need that. You won't get hurt as long as you are with me" the voice said in a chuckle, again, man does this guy like to chuckle. I still didn't see anyone. As soon as I knew it, the dagger was flown out of my hands. "What the-" I was then cut off by the same voice, "No cussing. It's Improper for a lady to cuss" he chuckled but anger stricken in his words. "Who are you!?" I yelled. 

I then felt a finger poking me on my shoulder. "Did I forget to inroduce myself, I'm Peter.......... Peter Pan" with that I blacked out for the second time. 


So tell me what you think please do. I might add only a few characters so the first 5 to comment will get to be a character if they would like. They could be with Rump and Bell in Storybrook or the character/you can be a lost girl/boy.

I also know it's really short but I will try to update as fast as I can. But please tell me what you think.




Love Love Love,


Peter........ Peter Pan (Robbie Kay/OUAT)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now