Chapter 5

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Ok.............. I know my other chapter havn't been long so I am going to make a goal of 2-4 pages so yeah.

By the way I do need a few more characters in it so if you would like to be in the story please let me know.



Regina P.O.V.

We had just arrived on the island when I heard Gold rambling things. "We need to find Henry and leave. Pan is evil and he will hurt Henry" I stated while bringing my hands to my hips. "No, I have someone watching over him, he won't get hurt. Pan will never touch a hair on Henry's head while she is a round" he said in a muffle. "Ya. Are you so sure of that. Who is this magical girl that will be able to stop Pan and help us find Henry?" I retorted back.

"Because it's Cory." he said while he turned to face me.

"Her? Really?" I started to laugh. "I don't even remember who she was back in our old world so what makes her so powerful?" I asked.

"You wouldn't like to know" he told me through gritted teeth.

"In lighten me" I retorted, how could someone like her be so powerful enough to get Pan to be good. Ha. Yea like that's powerful.

"I found out using some pixie dust that she is Pan's soulmate and not only that..............." 

"What?" Charming and Emma said

"She is Regina's Daughter" Gold said while turning towards them.

"That is impossible. I think I would remember giving birth"  retorted back. Was gold high?

"After you gave birth, you thought she looked alot like Daniel so................... you treated her horribly because she reminded you of your lost. Before you set the curse, Cora, or Cory as she likes to be called now, begged and begged me to take peoples memories of her so they would forget what you did to make her suffer. Or make people suffer for befriending her."

"Although that sounds like something I would do, there is one thing messed up in that, I don't have a daughter and if I did I would never treat her wrong." I said. 

"Especially, if she was Daniel's child!" I yelled.

"You don't remember her because I cast the spell on you" Gold yelled back.

"Must I remind you of one that involved Mary Margrat"

"What? Regina is evil but not that evil." Mary Margret stated actually coming to my defense.

"Mary Margrat is right she is not that evil" Emma pitched in. I am feeling so loved by the lady Charming's right now.

"Maybe I should remind you of one of Cora's favorite memories, she finally left the dungeon when one of the guards let her go, Ariel, the mermaid,  found her and helped her, they became great friends, a few days later, you torturred her, made her watch as you tortured Ariel, then you took away Ariel's voice so she lost out on true love. Then you tortured your daughter by locking her up in the dungeon and using magic...................... repeated the memory in her head."

That's when it all came back to me. I had a daughter. Daniel's daughter. Daniel died when I was 5 months pregnat. That night he died, when my mother killed him, I wasn't just going to run away with him, I was going to tell him he was to be a father. 

After that, Cora sickend me that I made her life miserable. What type of sick mother am I? 

"I............ rem-member" I said back looking towards my feet with tears filling my eyes.

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