Chapter 11

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Peter P.O.V.

I made my way to the tree. I knew I had to set up a trap, those lost boys would do anything to go back.............. I set the box in which my son was in and placed it on a rock. My power was gaining by the second, but I still felt weak. I was still in a faze when I heard Snow herself, "I need to for David" she said as she leaned in to grab the box. The tree vines then captured them. 

"Let us go!" Regina and Emma yelled in sync. How cute.. "How did you even trick Rumplestilskin?" Regina sneered at me. "Oh, he didn't tell you. Well, what can I suspect he is my son" I sneered. "That can't be, you are-" Regina said but I caught her off "Younger? Yes, nothing like magic" I stated back into her face."Let us go, give Cory her shadow back" Emma said. "I can't let you go. The tree hold those with regret" I said.

"But I don't have any" Emma said. "Now we both know that is not true, you regret hurting and not trusting Henry, Not only that but, giving him up" I said. I then looked over at Snow. "And you missed out on your daughter, your only child's own childhood, all of it" I said as she tilted her head to the side and I saw a tear roll down her cheek. Emma watched with sadness.

"Regina just mocked me. "I have no regrets, if I hadn't done what I did, I wouldn't have Henry and I would not have my Cory forgive me" she then pulled through the vines. 

They brought me to the floor and ripped the shadow from me. I immediantly lost concience......... I drifted off into drakness.


Cory P.O.V.

I woke up in a gasp. I took a deep breath in. I started coughing. I felt I warm hand rubbing my back. I opened my eyes to see my mother with a leaf full of water. She held it out for me to sip from it which I gladly accepted. "Are you Ok sweetie?" she asked. I shook my head yes. I then heard my name being called, I turned around to see Henry running up to me.

I got up and ran to him. I tired talking but my throught hurt to much to speak. "She needs to relax Henry, so why don't you take her to the ship where the other lost boys are, so she can sleep" Regina edged. Henry shook his head happily. 

As we walked back, I kept feeling as if someone was watching us. When I got on the boat I was greeted by a very happy Angela. "We are going home, or at least a different realm!" she shrieked and then ran back to the other girls that where also shrieking. All of the boys, except one , Felix, had big huge smiles on them.

Henry gripped onto my hand tighter and led me down the ship, he set me down to lay on the bed. He then scooche right next to me. "So we are brother and sister?" he asked looking up at me. I shook my head yes. "I always wanted a sister" he said as he snuggled to me closer. 

He fell asleep when I heard him. Peter. "Cora" he said. he then coughed, and looked really pale. I couldn't speak. I tried to tell him but he then said, "I need to do this sorry" he was about to grip onto Henry when Rumple walked through the door. "If you love her as much as you claim you won't take her shadow" he said. "It's the only way we can be to be together" Peter told Rumple, but looked back at me.

"You don't know" Rumple said. "Know what!" he said angrily. "If you take her shadow..................... she will die" 

Peter looked paniced. He gripped his hair and started to pull it. He then looked at me, "I have to do this............ I need to lie" he gripped one hand onto my heart and his other onto Henry's heart. I felt this sharp pain, I then saw from the corner of my eye, Rumple opened the box and Peter slipped in. I coughed even more.................................. I thought he loved me............................ I was wrong.

Henry, who of course woke up, gripped my into a tight hug. I had barely no voice but I spoke. "I thought he loved me"


Felix P.O.V.

I was sitting there thinking 'How could they all betray Peter?" when Henry walked up to me with a plate full of food. I was starving but I wasn't going to eat from them. "Here is some food. I thought you might be hungry." He said. How pathetic did he think I was?

"I'm not going to give in like the others, my loyalty lies with Pan." I statted back gritting my teeth. "Glad to hear that Felix, your loyalty should always be with me" Henry said while wiggling his eyebrow like Pan. "Pan?" I questioned. "Yes. Now eat" he said and passed me the plate of food. "Thanks......... Pan"


Cory P.O.V.

I noticed Henry and Felix talking, suprisingly Felix eased up with him around, he would not listen to anyone else. I walked up to them, "Henry can you give Felix and I a minute?" I asked. Henry gave me a worried look. "Hi Felix."


OK So what do you think? I did this on recall, I was going to rewatch the episode while I wrote but my little sister was being a brat and took the remote and changed it so I had to do this off of memory. I few people messaged me and someone commented that they think Felix and Cory should go out again so I ended a this chapter so there is a possibility. I was hoping that I could see which guy is going to nd up with Cory. 

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