Chapter 2 :D

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Peter Pan 

I could since someone or people rather. It must of been that one digustingly 'good' mermaid, Ariel. She has crossed my path too many times. 

As I made my way there I only heard a few words, "I'm so sorry for what she did Ariel" I mellow sorrow filled voice said that was unfamiliar to me. My curiosity became the best of me and I approched a little faster. "Don't worry. It's not your fault. It's your mothers" Ariel was then caught off. I think she might of heard me. "I gotta go- My fathers calling me" she lied and then jumped into the water. 

"I thought she would never leave" I spoke loudly so she could hear. I finally got a glimpse of her. She had a tail. A bright green. That is not possible. Unless- No. She then took of a bracelet that was wrapped around her wrist. Her tail morphed into legs. I was studying her. She was mid-hieght about 5'4 with Dark Black hair. I chuckled at the thought of it. She kinda looked like. Nevermind. I noticed her uneasiness so I decided I would try to scare her. "Isn't magic just wonderful" I spoke very loudly. She got very uneasy and grabbed somthing from her purse like thing on her side. She pulled it out and faced it towards the woods where I was. It was a dagger. Not just any dagger but the one. The Dark One's dagger. Not the real one that contorlled my son but his favorite dagger. The one my shadow told me about when I sent my shadow to retrieve information about him. Does she know him?

"You don't need that. You won't get hurt as long as you are with me" I stated back at her while flipping the dagger out of her hand. "What the-" she spoke but I caught her just in time, "No Cussing. It's Improper for a lady to cuss" I had no idea what I was saying. I always let the lost boys and even the lost girls to cuss back at the camp. But I just didn't want those type of words to come out of her angelic mouth. "Who are you?!" she yelled into the forrest. She was stricke with fear. But, she was acting as if she anticipated it and knew what was going on. 

I then flew over behind her as fast and as unnoticable as I could and tapped on her shoulder. She whisked around and caught my eye. She had these gorgous yet familiar brown eyes that twinkled with fear yet she knew that nothing bad would happe to her, "Hello Mate........... I'm Peter. Peter Pan" I spoke very cockily like I do with all the girls at camp, but somehow this one was different. She then blacked out but luckily I caught her in my arms.

I decided I would bring her back to my tree house because I don't know how she would feel waking up with many people staring at her as if she was on display. 

As I passed Wendy locked up in her cell like prison. I heard her with worry. "Who's that?" she asked shocked. "Our newest lost girl." I spoke with passion that i did not would come out. "You know who she is right?" Wendy asked me. I gave her a puzzled look. Who was she? "She's-" Wendy was caught off by the new lost girl in my arms that muffled and was starting to wake up. As she did she scooched into my chest more. She fit perfectly there. She looks so beautiful. What am I saying? I'm Peter Pan. I have no feelings. I especially can't do them infront of Wendy hoewever. "We will finish this conversation later" I scolded her which made her back up a little in her cage. 

Ithen carried this sleeping beauty up the ladder and into the tree house were I laid her on my pile of leaves bed. She then groaned as if she didn't want to be moved when I laid her down. My arms and my body became cold as she left my arms. I then walked back to camp which was only a quarter of a mile away from camp.

As I entered camp everyone got up. I then walked over to felix who was flirting with one of the Lost Girls. "I need to talk to you" I said while walking away implying him to follow me which he did. 

"We have a new lost girl joining us. She passed put on the beach so she is asleep in my treehouse. I do not want you to flirt or any of that with this girl. She seems.......... different" I spoke clearly and forcibly. "Yes Pan" he said back with fear strickin in him. I knew he was curious because I never let anyone in my tree house. "Now Go" I said while shoeing him off.

As we entered the camp everones eyes entered through me. I then just clapped my hands together. "Lost Boys and Girls, it's music time" I said. Everyone cheered and hollored while I grabbed my pipe. 

I began to play but suddenly stopped when I noticed everyone stopped dancing and starred at a pathway. I lifted my eyes to where someone stood. That someone stood was out newest lost girl. 


Please tell me what you think. I do know it's short but yeah I did two chapter and started it tonight so I think I have done alot. But, yeah. So does anyone want to be a character. If you do please comment. I do need some lost girls and boys to name so that she can befriend them.

Tell me who you think Cory is. Lemme know if I should drop more subtle hints about who she is in the next chapter. I dropped a few in this chapter. If you go back and read you can find some obvious ones.

Please lemme know how I did





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