Chapter 6

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Cory P.O.V.

I was abou to tell Peter about............................... but, he kissed me. I felt fireworks explode in my mouth sending sparks through out my body. 

He then bit my lip asking for entrance which I gladely let him, our tongues explored eachothers mouths and it felt amazing. Where did he learn how to kiss so well? Whoever she is, she is gonna get it. '

Peter than put his hands on my lower thighs making me jump. I then wrapped my legs around his strong torso without our lips every unlocking. 

He then pushed my into the wall, but, suprisingly it didn't hurt at all. I let out a moan as we seperated our lips but very softly.

We then both started to breath very heavily while our eyes, or at least mine, were still closed. 

"Leave" Peter said while pushing my legs off him and turning around. 

"Pe-" I was cut off from him pushing me down the ladder that led down to the forrest floor, in other words, 30 feet below.

"I said leave! NOW!" he yelled.

I looked at my leg and noticed that there was blood trailing down my leg. Great I hurt myself. I looked up the ladder at Peter and I saw worry in his face but it vanished. 

"Leave Already" he said and then walked away from the ladder at the top of the tree house. 

When I walked, more like limped, to camp, everyones eyes were gazed on me. I walked over to Angela.

"Oh, you messed yourself badly, lemme fix you up. What happend?" she asked so fast.

"I just................... tripped." I said trying to lie while giggling. I am actualy really good at it. It was one of the things that I hated that I inherated from my mother. 

"Ohh............. well, you hurt youself really badly. It looks like you got a minor sprained knee and ankle on your right leg and you have a gruesome scratch on your thigh." she told me as she was examining my leg, which I giggled at. She then fixed me up in perfect timing from when Peter walked into camp. 

"I'm gonna go to bed" I whispered to Angela. "Alright be careful, it looks like you fell from a 30 foot drop so be careful" she said. Ya. I kinda did. 

As I got up, I limped to my bed, and did something I havn't done in a while........................ cried myself to sleep.


Peter Pan P.O.V.

I was kissing her and I then explored her mouth, it sent chills down my spine, good-no-great chills down my spine. I knew I had to stop but I realised I did it too harshly before I could control myself. I pushed her off of me, hard. I had just told her to leave, and she wouldn't what was I supposed to do?

"Pe-" I cut her off by pushing her. Why would she not listening to me?

I didn't realise where I pushed her untill I heard a thud at the bottom of the ladder whole. Bu, before I realised or processed what happend I yelled, "I said leave! NOW!"

I then looked at her, she landed on her ankle and knee in a weird way and there was blood trickling down her leg. 

She looked at me curiously so I put on my poker face. 

"Leave Already" I muffled while walking away from her. I couldn't stand to look at her like that. It made my legs feel like jell-o.

I heard her get up and walk awa or try to. I looked through my kinda-window. I saw her limp towards the camp. I just wanted to pick her up and carry her. 

I followed her back to camp to make sure she didn't get anymore hurt. Because I hurt her. I hurt her.  I hurt her.

She made her way to camp so I decided I would release my mind and fly to the skull( I am having a brain fart and forgot what the skull island thingy is). 

As I made it there my shadow was waiting for me.

"I have been waiting" he said in his cold crispy voice.

"What for?"  I asked

"You don't know do you?" he told me while flying closer.

"What do I not know?" I replied with a smirk plasterd on my face.

"She will be your undoing; your curse, and also your savior; There is a way you don't have to kill Henry" My shadow announced


I was on my way back from the cave when I heard giggling.

When I entered the camp everyone was in there own area, Like Usual.

The girls were on the far left of me (the pathway) and the boys were on the close right, But, in the pile of girls I didn't see Cory.

I then heard laughing again. I strotted into camp and looked to where the laughing was coming from. 

It was Cory and Angela. Cory then looked my way and I quickly turned away. "I'm gonna go to bed" she tried to whisper. As she got up I noticed that she had a few bandages that led to her upper leg where she was bleeding and around her knee- and ankle.

After Cory left I walked up to Angela. "What happend?" I asked even though I knew what happend. I hurt her.........................  "Oh, she tripped. I bet she was lieing though. It looked like she fell off a tall tree" she giggled. I laighed along. "I'll go make sure she is alright" I said while walking towards the girls area, not even waiting for an answer.

I walked into the area to see Cory on her bed crying. Did I really hurt her that bad?

I was then going to walk over and comfort her when I started to hear shaking in that tall leaf area. Cory noticed as well.

"Who's there" she yelled and bringing out the dagger that was once my sons. 

Henry then poped out of the leaves.

"Cory, there is something I need to tell you that you are not gonna like" Henry said.

What do you think?

Please tell me♥




Love Love Love,



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