Chapter 4

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Cory P.O.V.

"Yes. It is." I replied.

"I told You Pan"  Fleix replied. I couldn't stay there any longer. I ran for it. As I was running when I kept hearing my name. Pan was calling me. No one can remember me. Everyone treated me different and now they would do it here as well. Even though Pan is all mighty and powerful. He does have a rivalry with her. But, she knows not to work against him because he is way stronger than her. 

Why does my mother have to be the Evil Queen? Why is my mother Regina?

Peter Pan P.O.V.

Is that why she looked so familiar? She was the Evil Queen's daughter?

Before I could ask her any more questions she took off running. I tried calling her name but she wouldn't come. I know she needs her space, she probably didn't want anyone to know because of how they would treat her. I knew that is why Rumple didn't tell anyone who his father was. 

But why did she act that way when everyone noticed her.

"I told you. Do I go kill her now?" asked Felix. 

"No. She might make use for us when we get Henry and his 'family' comes after him, and if she is Regina's daughter she has a bloodline of magic" I told him.

I then picked my pipe back up and started to play. Everyone began to dance, except for a few they went to bed. 

Cory P.O.V.

I made it to the shore and began to bawl my eyes out. I then heard someone clearing their throught so I sat up wipped my eyes and looked over. 

"Hi I'm Angela" she said while lifting a hand in the air. She hand mid-height hair. She had this gorgous chestnut hair. "Hi. I'm Cory" I said. "I know. I'm Sorry about Felix. He isn't really nice around new people." she said while making her way over to me. "Well, if you know what my mother did to him you would understand." I said while scooching a spot for her on the log. "Well, that is yuor mother not you." she said while she rubbed her hand on my back. "Let's get back to Camp, we even got an extra mattress out for you. Us girls get mattrreses that the shadow steals for us because one of the previous girls would not shut up to get one-" I kinda dosed off from there. This girl can talk, but she is kinda outgoing. I can tell we are going to be great friends.

In the mean time of my doze, Angela had pulled me up hooked arms with me and got me walking to camo. How long was I doozed off? 

When we got back to Camp I heard a ver familiar voice. "I want to go back home". I knew that voice anywhere. It was Henry. 


Peter Pan P.O.V.

After the girls went to bed, I was notified that Tamara and that other guy was on the island. I tricked Henry and made him trust me but brought him to the camp. This kid was so easy. Once he figured it out, or I told him. He still believed that his family was coming for him. "One of my moms is the evil queen, she will come after you. And Emma is the saviour and she will save me." he said with confidence. As if. "I've met your mom, the evil queen, she isn't as evil as everyone thinks. And 'the savior' she doesn't believe in her how can she believe in saving someone" I spitted back at him. "I want to go back home" Henry then whinned. 

Before I knew it I saw a girl, Cory to be exact, run up to Henry and pick him up into a hug. She then let go of him and faced him, "Henry, what are you doing here? Your mom is going to through a big hissy fit" she said while giving him another hug. "I got kidnapped by Tamara and Greg. Peter was the one who organized my kidnapping. Wait..................... what are you doing here?" he told her. Before I could even process a thought Cory slapped me. Peter........... Peter Pan. She slapped Peter Pan. 

"What the-" she then bit her lip holding in the cuss word most likely because of Henry being around. "Why would you kidnap Henry?" she said with anger. "I need the heart of the truest believer, and I recommend to not ever slap ME again" I warned her and turned to Henry. "Henry, come follow me" I said while gripping his shoulder and forcing him to follow. I then put him in front of me and stopped in my tracks. "He won't get hurt. I promise Cora" I said from the corner of my eye I noticed how scared she was but also I saw anger. I knew why, I had Henry who was technicially her brother and I called her her real name. Cora. 


What do you guys think I did add Angela as a character so I'm dedicating this chapter to her. Did you guys guess that Regina was Cory's mother? I was thinking that I should do a P.O.V. of Rumple or Regina next chapter from when they get to Neverland. Lemme know if I should do that. 

Thanks for Reading and PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK


Love Love Love Love Love,





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