Chapter 12

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Cory P.O.V.

We finally arrived to Storybrook. Man, I had to pee. Seriously Jones, amazing ship and all but no bathroom, you need to come into the 21st century. Especially when there are women on his ship. 

We arrived to everyone cheering and clapping. Rumple ran over to Belle along with Neal. Snow, David, Emma and Henry had everyone giving them hugs. My mother and I were just standing next to the Jolly Rodger she Mary Margaret(Snow) commented, "It wasn't just us, they she helped." She was implying to my mother. Regina just blushed as people clapped for her. She never got any sympathy and love from these people.

I slowely was walking away when I felt someone come up to me. I turned around to see Henry. I bent down and gave him a big hug. "Henry, you know I love You" I said as a tear fell down my face. "I know. I love You too Cora" I then rubbed his hair and wipped my tear. "Henry, it's Cory now" I said. 

"Why are you crying?" he asked me. "I thought Peter loved me" I sobbed. "bu- he proved me wrong" I said. Henry then gave me another hug this one with more sympathy. "But, I love You" Henry said.

"I know You do Henry, but, I thought Peter was different than what people make him out to be, you know?" I said as I wipped another tear threatning to roll down my face. 

I then turned and walked away leaving Henry. When I was half way up the hill, I noticed that Henry was talking to Felix. They have gotton close................... I wonder why?

I will have to put my suspicions on hold for now because I am starving for some real food and I really realllyyy have to pee! 

I made my way to Granny's. Suprisingly, everyone beat me there. I ran to the bathroom quickly.

I excited the bathroom to sit down at a booth. Granny walked over to me, "What will ye' be having Cory?" she asked me. "May I have the Rueben Sandwich?" I asked looking at the menu. "Sure thing toots" she said in a smile while grabbing my menu. 

After my food arrived I dug in immediantly, I was then interupted by Hook sitting down across the booth, "Slow down darlin before you choke" he said. "Shouldn't you be running along behind Emma?" I asked sarcastically with food in my mouth. 

"Haha, but no, I'm letting Bae have another go for her, if I got into the picture, My devilish looks would obviously win" he said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes. Jones then got up from the seat and left leaving me sit there. 

Henry soon after took Jones's place across from me. "Well Hello Henry" I said while my mouth was full of food, again. Henry giggled. He just sat there starring at me eat. "Can I help you Henry?" I asked then taking my last bite of the Ruebon Sandwich. "Nope" he said while popping the p. 

Emma soon walked by with the famous story book and sat down next to me. "Henry, your father still had this and thought you might want it back" she said. He looked at it castiously. I remember when he went on and on about that. He said he could never find me in the book. I wanted to tell him so badly that it was real. All of it. But, it would have blown my cover.

Henry started to look at it which made Emma look kinda uncomfortable. She got up leaving us sitting there in awkward silence. I finsihed down my ruffles potatoe chips while Henry was looking at the book. 

We had been there for about 2 hours now and it was almost 8 or so when Emma walked over, "Henry it is time for you to go to bed" in which Henry obligued. He got up annd then went over to Regina saying goodbye, "Can't I go home with you?" he asked. Regina got the biggest smile on her face. Emma agreed and then Regina turned towards me; "Cory, you know if you want, you can comeover too, We have spare bedrooms-" i then cut her off-"Ya, that would be awesome mom" 

Regina then put her hand out as I took it and we walked out of Granny's on our way to Regina's House.


Peter Pan P.O.V.

Cora then grabbed my hand and smiled at me, or Henry. I wanted to scream at her when she told me, or more like Henry, that I, Peter Pan, didn't love her. I do! I love Cora Mills! There I said it! Or more like thought it. Being in this body is confusing me!!!

We made it back to Granny's when Cory walked in, she was in a rush for the bathroom. When she came out she sat at a booth and ordered a sandwich. I watched as she took a couple bites before Hook showed up. They began to talk and she gave a couple eyerolls.

Soon after Hook left, I decided to sit across from Cory. 

"Well, Hello Henry" she said with her mouth full. I barely understood her but I still was able to.I just grinned and giggled as I watched her scarf down the food. "Can I help you Henry?" she asked me. I felt panic in me, what if I got caught? What would she do? Would she be made at me? Will she still love me?

I just replied in a calm kinda Henry way, "Nope" I said popping the p. Just like what Henry would do. I then kept starring at her eating chips. The Savior soon sat down next to Cory and handed me a book, "Henry, your father still had this and thought you might want it back" she said. I looked at it caustiosly. I don't remember being such a book. I looked up over at The Savior and Cory, I could tell that Cory was recalling a memory probably one with the book and Henry and Emma looked at me suspicously.

I opened up the book and started to read it. I hadn't even noticed the Savior leave. Cory was just slowely muching on her chips.

Soon after of what seemed like 10 minutes, Emma walked over to me, "Henry it's time for you to go to bed" I obviously did what was said. 

I walked over to Regina and gave her a hug. This is working so well, my plan. "Can't I go home with you?" I asked her. Everyone seemed takin back by this, especially Regina. Emma obligued because afterall Regina is 'my' adoptive mother.

Regina then looked over at Cory who was just standing there. "Cory, you know if you want, you can comeover too, We have spare bedrooms-" Cory then cutt of Regina -"Ya, that would be awesome mom" I think everyone was takin back by what she said. She always call Regina mother, but never Mom, and also some people still had the spell from my son on them so they must of been a little shakin up.

Regina then grabbed both of our hands and we made it out of the old dinner. 

We arrived at the house, "Cory will you please take me to my room?" I asked. Cora then grabbed my hand leading to Henry's room. As we made our way up the stairs I felt her squeeze my hand. "Still Scared Henry?" She asked. I replied in  nod. She then gripped my or Henry's hand tighter as she led us to my room. "Sleep in here with me please?" I asked worriedly. She just nodded and hoped into bed. I waited untill she fell asleep when Regina walked in.


I wanted to do a little know and a little later on in the week so that is why I did not get all of last night's episode but, thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it!

Love Love Love,






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