Chapter 13

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Peter Pan P.O.V.

"Henry! You should be in bed" THe evil queen yelled at me, or Henry. I mouthed sorry as I hopped into the bed with Cory. "Mom?" I asked.

"Yes, sweetie" she said before she almost walked out the door. "Did you take your voult with you when you cased the curse?" I asked her as I pointed to a picture in the book. It is where all her magic is and what I need to do............. 

"Yes Sweetie, why do you wanna know? Are you scared tht Pan is coming for you? You know, he can't he is trapped under the floorboards in Gold's shop" she said trying to comfort Henry, or me.

"I know" I said in defeat. This is gonna be harder than I though. But that is when a idea popped into my head. Regina then kissed me on my forehead and walked out the door. I quickly got out of bed but slower than I would of because Cory was next to me. She sleeps like and angel.

I looked out the window and summond my shadow awake off the boat to do something they would call murder here.

Cory P.O.V.

I was awoken to the smell of Bacon and................... Waffles. I jumped out of Henry's bed and raced down the stairs into Regina's kitchen.

"Well, Good Morning Dear, I thought I would make yours and Henry's favorite" Regina said flipping some bacon. "Good Morning" I said licking my lips. "Mom, I think someone let a dog into the house" Henry said from behind me. "Oh, really" I replied. He then took off running and I fllowed him. I finally caught him and started to tickle him. 

We ate breakfest and Regina sent us to Henry's room, where once again he was getting tickled. We where mid-tickle when Regina came into the room. "Hurry! We gotta go!" she rushed out the door as we followed. I was worried. What was wrong now?


We made it near the library when I saw Emma, Snow, Jones, Tink, David and a few others. I look to where they were looking. My heart fell.

I just ran over to her. Blue Fairy. She can't be! She can't be dead! I fell to my knees and started to cry. Why? How?

"How?" I asked quitly. "Pan's shadow" Emma said. "But, I thought it couldn't be realesed" I said inbetween sobs. "I don't know what is happening" Snow said. She was also on the verge of crying. 


We where walking towards the volt when Regina said it is one place the Peter could never get in. We walked down the stairs as I sat down on the floor. I am still freaking out. Regina was comforting me why Henry was looking around. He had been here before but, he is just acting weird. 

Henry then gave a random hug to Regina and then pulled somthing from behind her and opened it up to her face. It made her pass out. "Henry!" I yelled leaning over my mother and trying to wake her up and puller her up. "Henry's not here Cory" I heard him say. 

"What are you talking about Henry" I said trying to lightly slap Regina awake. 

"I'm not Henry, I'm Peter, we switched bodies." he said. Next thing I knew, I was passed out on the cold hard floor.


I woke up to hear Felix and Peter talking. "We have the curse now, we can reset it all" they both laughed evily. I tired to get up but I struggled my legs and arms where tied together and I had stuff in mouth so I couldn't speak. Peter turned back to me, or Henry, it's just really cunfusing, and started to laugh.

Please tell me it's not what I think it is.

Peter P.O.V.

I got Cory to pass out and I began my search for the curse, the cures to end Stroybrook and it's host's once and for all.



I know it's short but I have had writers block oon this chapter all week and that is why I didn't post sooner. I will try to post after tonight's winter fianle or tomorrow.

I was thingking of writing a Book 2 for next season with Peter, if anything does happen to Peter than I might not. But, I might right a book 2 for next season.

Love Love Love,






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