Chapter 7

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Cory P.O.V.

 "Cory, there is something I need to tell you that you are not gonna like" Henry said as he walked out of the trees surrounding the girls area. 

"What is it?" I asked groggily while wiping my eyes.

"Follow Me" he said while walking away, and slinging his scarf over his shoulder. 

As I followed Henry into the woods, he stopped.

"OK, it's safe now-" he said while turning towards me. "I took a boat that I found and went around the island and found this skull like island............................ and I went inside and............................." he stumbled off.

"And what Henry?" I asked

"Peter has to do something to you or he has to kill me" he said while sitting on a log and putting his head inbetween his knees.

"That will not happen, he will not kill you Henry, but you have to tell me what it is that I will have to do"I told him while gripping him into a hug as he lifted his head up.

"He has to rip yor soul, or in other words, your shadow, and give it to his............................. you will then become like him.............................. evil" Henry said while tears filled his eyes.

"Why would he need to do that Henry?" I asked while ingulfing him into a hug.

"He said it is to save magic" Henry said while putting his arms around my neck and crying.

"Don't worry, that is not gonna happen, I won't go evil and you ARE NOT GONNA DIE" I told him while a tear escaped my eye as I closed them.

We then both heard rustleing in the bushes and turned towards the movement.

Then out stepped Peter.

"Henry, Henry, Henry, has anyone told you you talke to much?"


Peter Pan P.O.V.

I had been listening in on their conversation. I knew Henry was there when my shadow told me. I just didn't expect him to tell her right away. I was planning on telling her myself.

"Henry, Henry, Henry, has anyone told you you talk to much?" I smirked.

"Back Away from him" Cory said while pushing Henry behind her.

"And what are you going to do, I need him to save magic" I replied. I didn't though I needed him to save myself.

She then picked up a stick and drew a quick circle around herself and closed her eyes.

"Really? How childish" I said while I rolled my eyes.

I then started to walk towards them when I flew backwards, I had tried to get through the circle.

"What just happend?" I mumbled to myself.

Henry then backed away the little he could in the circle and turned to Cory.

"How did you do that?" he asked looking really confused.

"It was kinda awesome" I heard Henry mumble to Cory, in return she just giggled that heavenly giggle.

"You don't know who she is Henry" I said while lifting myself off the ground.

"What is he talking abut Cory" Henry said while still giving me the evil eye.

"She's your sister, well, step sister, she is Regina's daughter" I said smirking and wiping my pants. Henry then took off with tears going down his face.

"HENRY!" Cory yelled, she was about to take off after him, but I grabbed her.

"Cory, I need to talk to you" I smirked at her. I kept feeling sparks now that my hand was on her shoulder. She then turned towards me and I saw her eyes. She had tears rolling down on her face, blood shot eyes, and her eyes sparkled with tears.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT KNOW?"  she yelled.

"I'm Sorry but it had to be done, he was bound to find out....." I said while grabbing her hand. and looking at her.

"No,no, no" she said while shaking her head.

"I'm Sorry" I said. She then pushed my hand off of hers and then raised her hand high, faster than ever(I usually would have caught it), and slapped my face. Hard.

"No, you aren't"  she said while more tears kept rolling down her eyes. 

I then ingulfed her into another hug.

"I'm so sorry, I mean it. It's just he had to know." I said into her ear.

"It's not that" she said while looking down.

"Then what is it?" I asked

"I won't let you kill him" she said while looking into my eyes.

"I won't kill him;" I said

"Then do it know" she said looking pleadingly into my eyes.

"Do what now?" I asked.

"Take my shadow; I know how to save Henry; Rumple told me before we left, he knew that you would be the one to kidnap him, to save yourself, he told me the way to save Henry, and everyone I love, is to .............................. let you take the shadow of your soulmate." she half whispered to me.

"How did you know?" I asked stunned. Did she just say soulmates? Are we like Mary Margret and David, 'True Love'?

"The soulmate part?-" she then giggled inbetween tears. "Rumple told me" she said.

"I'm sorry" she sputtered out. Again through tears.

"I'm so s-" I cut her off by saying "No, I'm sorry" I then whiped away her tears.

I then leaned in and started to kiss her. Sweetly yet passionatly.


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