Chapter 8

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Cory P.O.V.

I was telling him how sorry I was then he just whipped my tears, I looked up and saw his eyes glisten in the moonlight. He then closed his eyes,as did I, and leaned in. Soon our lips brushed against eachother. I then raised my hands and put them on his cheeks. I then leaned closer so the kiss was a little more pationate, if that was possible, he then grabbed my upper thigh making me gasp. He took the chance and pushed his tongue in my mouth. We fought for dominance with our tongues and of course, he won. I lifeted my legs and then wrapped them around his torso, once again like before. 

I then felt my back being pressed against the tree. We were kissing more passionotly then before.

We both stopped after a minute or two, we were huffing and puffing from the long kiss when we heard someone clear there throught. Peter's head snapped towards the noise, he had a frown on his face that made me giggle. 

When we turned our heads, it was Felix. 

"Pan, we have a..................... situation" he said.

"Fine" Peter snapped back. He turned back towards me.

"Cory, I will be back meet me at the treehouse" he told me and then kissed my forehead. I felt my cheeks burn red.

Peter than walked away but Felix walked towards me and said, "I don't know your game but I will find out" he said then started to walk the same direction that Peter had walked. He then turned his head just a little, "Don't think you are his only girl, he has more" Felix then just ran off, probably trying to catch up to Peter.

What did he mean he had more girls?


Peter P.O.V.

We were in an amazing, AMAZING make-out session, when Felix showed up. I turned my head to Felix, I knew I had a frown on my face. Cory saw I guess because she giggled and blushed.

"Pan we have a.................................... situation" Felix said. Really?! Why now?!?

"Fine" I said angrilly. I then turned to Cory who was still acting a little suprised at what just happened.

"Cory, I will be back meet me at the treehouse" I said when I kissed her beautiful temple. I looked at her face and she blushed uncontrolably. I then just walked away. 

Felix then caught up to me. I then just sopped in my tracks, "So what is the situation"

"Regina doesn't just want Henry back, she wants Cory" he grinned.

"Well, that won't happen she will torture Cory, and no" I said while continueing to walk.

"Why not? She had no value to us, she is just another hole in the belt for you" he mocked. I pushed up against a tree. 

"No she's different" I gritted through my teeth. I then let Felix go. "Then you are going to have to tell tht to Jane, Roxie and ................... Wendy"


Cory P.O.V.

As I walked back to Camp, the question kept replaying in my head. What did Felix mean by other girls?

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