Chapter 3

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Cory P.O.V.

 I woke up in a unkown room. It was a tree house. I decided to walk aroun the room and look for pixie dust like Rumple told me to.


"What will I do when I get there?" I asked Rumpel while the tears still fell down my cheek. "I know him. He will bring you to his tree house because he will want to make you feel comfortable, he will then leave to go to the camp where the lost boys and maybe lost girls are at. It is then where you need to get a few things for me. I need you to get a doll with a blue like vest and..................... pixie dust" he asked me. "Why do you need the stuff?" I asked because curiosity over-filled me. "Not Important. I will come after you as soon as possible so make sure that it goes unnoticed that you stole those things." He replied. "Fine Papa"

Flashback Over

All I need to do is fine those things. Just as a had given up hope, I noticed a box hidden under piles of drawings. I ran over to the box and opened it. There were many things in it. I had found the doll. Why was this so important to Rumple? I also saw many photos of Rumple. I also saw photos or drawings of a young Rumple with an older man. I slowely put the box back. "Now just the pix-" I was caught off by this music that just made me want to dance. I wanted to follow it.

As I was on my way out I noticed a cage with a girl in it. I very familiar girl in it. It's Wendy. "Ahh............ if it isn't Cora, or Cory. I never remember. You look just like your mother" she replied with a smirk. "No. Don't say that. It isn't true. I look nothing like her" I replied while I could feel the tears burning in my eyes. "Yes, you do. But, you do look a little like your father. I mean you guys have some of the same features, as far as I can tell from the ones your mother showed me of him." she smirked back. How dare she? She knows how much my past hurts. 

"I gotta go" I said with a smirk. "Oh, you hear the music. Your lonely. I guess your mother abandoning you and your father being dead really does that to you. Especially when your own grandmother killed your father" she replied getting closer to the edgee of her cage. 

With that I started running towards the music. Why? When I first met her we used to be great friends, but then she ruinned things like always. That's why I asked Rumple to cast the spell so no one would remember what she did to them to make me miserable. 

As I ran, the music became louder and louder and it was so beautiful to my ears. 

As I made my way to the end of the path, I saw a huge burning fire with around 20-30 boys and girls dancing around. I then saw Peter playing a pipe. That must be where the music came from. As soon as I made it to the end of the path. Everyone stopped dancing. They all stared at me. I saw mixed emotions. Some hatred(which I was used to because of her) some jeolisoy and some passion which I have never had before. 

Back home, because no one knows who I am other than Bell and Rumple, Rumple says I was just some assisant that he kept in the old world. Bell knows the truth about me so she goes along with it. She knows how much people would hate me if they knew the truth. It's not my fault that I was her child. 

Peter soon realised that everyone stopped dancing and therfor stopped the music. He lifted his head towards me and then I saw a grin make it's way to his face. 

Pan then walked towards to me, "It's about time you woke up. How did you find the camp?" He asked but I didn't have time to answer, even though it most likely was a retorical question. Pan then faced towards the Lost Boys and Girls, "Lost Boys and Girls, welcome our newest lost girl," he then stopped and faced me to state my name "Cory" I said. 

"That's not her name! I know her! That''s Cora! Her daughter!" One of the lost boys yelled in from the group. I coudn't tell who it was but they sounded familiar. "Is this true?" Peter said turning towards me. "Of course Pan, I wouldn't lie" the voice said from the crowed. The person came out of the big croud. It was Felix. "Felix, I never asked you" Peter said while he gritted his teeth. "Is it true?" he asked worriedly and sadly but with lots of anger.

"Yes. It is"


What do you think? Should I give the name of her mother in the next chapter? What do you think? So far I only have one person that wants to be a character but if anyone else does they can be one. 

Please tell me wether this is any good? and I know it's short but I was just trying to do it really fast so yeah.





Love Love Love Love Love,


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