Chapter 10

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Cory P.O.V.

"Henry" he said as he flew off. I quickly ran to Regina shaking her, "Mom, Get up! Where is Emma and the gang! We got to hurry! Henry is in Danger!" I yelled. She finally got up and wipped her eyes. I told her the truth about how it was me or him when we reached with the rest of the 'gang'.

"I was planning on it being me" I said with tears in my eyes. Regina then wipped my tears, "Neither of you are going to get hurt" "But what about Peter..................... I love Him and he loves me" I said while tears escaped my eyes.

"I'm so sorry sweetie, but if he loved you, he wouldn't be doing that to you, he would use what time he has left and he would of spent it with you, I love you sweetie, but it's the truth, he would put you first before himself." she said while grabbing my arms and rubbing them. I heard mumbles of yeahs from Rumple, Emma and Baelfire, or Neil. The only reason we were able to talk for a short period of time was because we were on a boat to skull island. 

As we hit the shore of the island, we all slowely got out. Emma was the first to try to step through the passway. She did a flip in the air and landed on her back. Rumple sighed and walked through. Emma beat me to it by saying, "How?" 

"Pan cast a spell that would allow only people with no shadows to pass" he said. "So you weren't lying when you said you ripped off your shadow" Neil replied. 

No Dip Sherlock

I didn't pay attension to anything else because I was trying to figure out a way to get through. That's when Emma said before I was about to say it, AGAIN! "Doesn't the moon cast peoples shadows at night?" she asked. "Beat me to saying it Emma, but Yes" I said I then lifted my hands and moved the clouds so that the blocked the moon, No more shadows.

We raced through the entrance to find Henry looking at Peter. "Where is she? You told me she was hurt" Henry asked but then turned to us. He was about to run to us but grabbed Henry by his shoulders and refused to let go. 

He then mouthed to me 'I'm Sorry" as I tear rolled down his face. Peter than lifted his hands and pushed them into Henry's heart. 

I immediantly felt the pain in my chest. I fell to the ground and started to scream. "Pan Stop! They are connected, if you kill him, you kill her" Regina said. The pain didn't stop. How could Henry go through with this pain? 

I then felt my heart release as gained a little more control, barely any energy, Henry passed out. I crawled over to him. and whispered in his ear, "I'm Sorry Henry, I love You Little Brother." I then grabbed my shadow and started to rip it. I heard Regina yell for me to stop. I looked over at her. She had panic written all over her face. 

I then looked at Peter, "Do you love me Peter?" I asked him he then looked at me. He then grabbed my shadow and with force yanked it from me. My last memory before I passed out way of my mother screaming, "No, Cora, NO!"


Peter Pan P.O.V.

I decided to rip her shadow, it would be the only way to save her so we can be together even if there was some changes in her. When she said "Do You Love Me Peter?" I wanted to pick her up from the floor and say how much I did................ but I was running out of time. I then yanked forcibly and Regina started to scream, NO.

I felt like the only good left in me left. Regina ran up to her passed out son and daughter. She began weeping. As well did Emma and Baefire. "What happend to Rumple?" Emma asked. 

"Just in here" I said as I jiggled the box.

They both looked at me shocked. I did see Baelfire shed a tear when I said I trapped his father; such a mama's boy. 

I then looked at the love of my life. Her body passed out. I still had her shadow in my hands. All I needed to do was give it to my shadow and I would live forever. Along with my beautiful Cora.

"How could you?" Regina asked. As long as I had the shadow in my hands I was safe. Emma then through a sword at my arm. It dropped a little blood. I gotta get out of here. I then flew off to my thinking tree where the pixie dust used to grow.


Tell me what you think? I know I didn't get some of it right because I just recalled it on memory. But please tell me what you think...........................................

Do you have any ideas for the next cahpter? PM me if u would like to share them?







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