Chapter 13

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+2 months
No one knows that I'm pregnant still. We've only told my grandma, and some of Ian's family, but luckily there is nothing in the press about me being pregnant, or that they think I'm pregnant. The press have also gone crazy with our engagement. It's front page of everything and everyone is talking about to..

I woke up and got out of bed. It's been a year since me and Ian met and tonight is teen choice awards. I walked downstairs and saw Ian.
"Morning" he said kissing me.
"You ready for tonight?" I asked.
"Yeah. Imagine if one of us didn't go that night" he replied.
"I know.." I replied. I then made some breakfast and me and Ian sat and ate.
"Have you got anything planned today?" Ian then asked.
"Nothing really. I have my hair and makeup stylist coming at 1, and then my clothes stylist coming at 4 to bring my dress and your suit, and making sure everything fits" I replied.
"Alright ok" he replied. After we finished eating our breakfast it was already 10am. I walked upstairs and had a washed my hair and had shower. When I got out I put on something comfy and walked back downstairs to Ian. We both then said and just watched some tv for a little while. There then was a knock at the door. I walked over and answered it. It was my hair and makeup stylist. We all then walked upstairs info my dressing room and they did what they had to do and it was finally done. I then shouted down to Ian.
"Ian" I shouted.
"Yeah" he shouted back up and began to walk upstairs.
"Did you want your hair and makeup done?" I asked as he walked into my dressing room.
"Yeah" he replied. He then took a seat and did what they have to do... They soon left afterwards and me and Ian both walked back downstairs. There then was another knock at the door and this time it was my stylist with my dress and Ian's suit. I then welcomed her and I walked back upstairs with her. She then helped me into my dress and made sure everything was perfect. Ian then walked upstairs.
"Wow. You look gorgeous" Ian said immediately as he walked in.
"Aw, thank you" I replied and kissed him. Ian then got into his suit and walked in.
"So, what do you think?" He asked.
"Very handsome Mr Harding" I said and kissed him. I then thanked my stylist and we let her out. We were finally ready... We walked outside and got into the limo and my driver began to drive us there.
"Hey, Ian" I said.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"What if I announce the pregnancy on stage today..." I said. "If I win the last awards I'm nominated for, I can announce it" I replied.
"Yeah. I think that's a great idea" he replied.
"Really.." I said.
"Yeah.." He replied.
"Ok, but if I win the award and you change your mind and you don't want me to announce it, just tell me right" I replied. We soon arrived and the door to limo opened and we both stepped out together. We grabbed each other's hands and walked down the carpet together having our pictures taken. Ian then went and had a picture with the rest of the pretty little liars cast. Me and Ian then walked in with the rest of the pretty little liars cast and took our seat. I was sitting with the rest of cast. The award show soon then started... The first thing that I was nominated for then came up.
"And the winner for choice music artist female is.." She read out and then opened the envelope. "Emily Stone" she shouted and the crowed then screamed. I got up and hugged and kissed Ian and then walked up on stage and collected my surf board. I said my speech and then walked off backstage. I had some pictures backstage and soon walked back out and sat down. Pretty little liars won there award and went up and collected it. I ended up winning another 6 awards. It finally came up my final nomination and no other than Lucy Hale was presenting the award.
"And the nominees for choice song female are.." Lucy began to say. The nominees were then read. "And the winner is.." She began to read. She then opened up the envelope. "My good friend Emily Stone!" She shouted and the crowed went wild. I stood up and everyone clapping and cheering. I then hugged Ian and he whispered in my ear.
"Announce it" he whispered and then looked at me and kissed me. I then walked up on stage. I gave Lucy the biggest hug and she gave me my surf board and stepped up in front of the microphone.
"Wow. Just wow" I began to say. "Thank you everyone so much" I then said. "I said to Ian if I win this award I would make a big announce on this stage and I did win it. So..." I then said taking a deep breath. "I met Ian on this stage 1 year ago and know we are engaged" I said showing my finger and the crowed then screamed and there was many cheers. "This past year has seriously been one of the best years in my life.. I've been through so much these past few years, but know I finally in a happy place, with a gorgeous fiancé and a baby on the way" I said smiling placing my hand on my stomach. The crowed then went insane! Suddenly Lucy came over to me and hugged me.
"Omg. Congrats" she said. I then looked over at Ian and the cast were all hugging him and clapping.
"Love you Ian" I then said and he blow a kiss to me. I then wakes off stage with Lucy. We were then backstage.
"Oh my gosh. Why didn't you tell us?" She asked smiling.
"We were going to tell you first, but we literally decided last minute to announce it know" I replied and she then hugged me again.
"I'm so happy for the both of you" she then said.
"Aw thank you" I replied.
"So how far are you?" She asked.
"Just over 4 months now" I replied. We both then began to walk out to our seats and everyone was congratulating us. We finally made it to our seats and the cast were also congratulating us.
"Wow, that was a bigger scream than I thought" Ian said and hugged me.
"I know..." I replied and kissed him...

In love with Ian Harding? (Pretty little liars) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now