Chapter 21

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+1 Month

Me and Ian have decided for him to have private start of life. We have posted no pictures, not released the name or even the gender of our son. As soon as we announce that's all everyone will be talking about. He's all anybody talks about at the minute and only close friends and family even knows the gender.
Today I have an interview on the Ellen. Ian had got up with Lucas. I got out of bed and put on my robe and walked downstairs and they both looked so adorable. Ian was stood up holding him while making a drink.
"Morning, gorgeous" He said when he saw me and walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek.
"Morning" I replied kissing him back. "How's our little man?" I asked.
"Hungry" He said smiling.
"Ah, I'll go feed him" I replied. I took Lucas from Ian and walked into our living room and began to feed him. After I fed him I walked back into the kitchen and placed Lucas in his mosses basket and ate my breakfast that Ian had made me.
"What time you got to leave?" He asked me.
"Don't have to be there till about 3:30" I replied.
"Do you want to take Lucas into the pool?" He asked me.
"Aw, yeah. That's a good idea" I replied. Ian carried Lucas upstairs and we got dressed into some swim wear. I then got dressed and so did Ian and we both walked downstairs and into the pool room. I got in first and Ian handed me Lucas and then got in afterwards. We stayed in the pool for a little while and then decided to get out. We walked upstairs and I had a shower and Ian bathed Lucas. I got out the shower and did my hair and makeup and finally got dressed. Ian then dressed Lucas and then Ian got ready himself.  I placed him in his car seat and Ian placed a small white blanket over the top of the car seat so you can't in. Ian carried the car seat and placed it in the backseat and strapped him in while I grabbed his baby bag. I got the bag and walked over to the car and sat down in the front and Ian drove us to the studio. We parked up and Ian got the car seat and made sure he was covered so nobody could see in. He then carried Lucas's car seat in and i walked beside him with security getting us into the building. We arrived and went straight to the dressing room. There then was a knock on the door and Ian got up and opened it. It was Ellen.
"Come in" Ian then said and Ellen walked in. Ian then closed the door behind her.
"Hiya" she said hugging Ian. She then walked over to me and gently hinged me as I walked holding Lucas.
"Aw, this is the little guy" Ellen said. I then handed him to Ellen. "He's adorable" she said. This is the first time Ellen is meeting him as I've not made many public appearances out.
"Aw than you" I replied.
"Are you still up for revealing the gender?" She asked me.
"Yep" I replied with a smile. I wanted to reveal the gender of Lucas in a fun way so I decided to it on Ellen. We have filled cannons with confetti with either blue or pink, obviously it will be blue, and that's how I'm going to reveal it by firing the cannon of confetti over the crowd.
Ellen soon passed me back Lucas and I gave him a final kiss and cuddle and then handed him to Ian. I gave Ian a kiss and then walked it with Ellen to get miced up and for hair and makeup. Afterwards, I was ready to go on stage. Ellen then said my name and I walked out on stage waving to crowed. The crowed were cheering and clapping as I walked on. I walked over to Ellen and hugged and kissed her on the cheek. I then sat down.
"It's been awhile you being here" she said.
"I know" I said.
"I'll let you off, as I know you've just had a baby" she then said and crowed cheered.
"Yeah I did" I said smiling.
"I saw the baby backstage and the baby is absolutely adorable" she said.
"Aw thank you" I replied.
"So a lot of people are wondering if you went into labour at the music awards?" She asked me.
"I know I saw a lot online about that" I replied.
"You missed all the second half of the show and also cancelled your performance last minute and then hours later you had a baby" she said smiling.
"Well, I was feeling a lot of pain during the awards and I thought nothing of it so I said to Ian let's just go home and chill out the rest of the night" I began to say. "So we got into our and then ended up having to go straight to the hospital" I replied.
"Was it an easy labour?" She asked me.
"I must admit it was a lot easier than I thought it would be" I replied.
"How's Ian with the baby?" She then asked me.
"He's amazing! He's such a good dad, I could ask for anyone better" I replied. We then started chatting agin..
"So you are taking a break from music, is that right?" She asked me.
"Yeah it is right. I want to spend all my time with the baby. Obviously Ian had to go back to work as he is filming, but he has had the first month off and is actually going back tomorrow" I said. "I'm due break I've been making music since I was 16 years old. I've had no breaks in between so I think it will nice to have a little break" I replied.
"You deserve it" she said. "So the baby is here are you getting your wedding plans ready?" She asked.
"Yes we are. It's going to be round summer time next year" I then said.
"You two are one the most loved celebrity couple" she then said.
"I know, I don't understand how they decided this" I said laughing.
"So anyway.." she said. "Everyone has been wondering the gender of your little one" she said.
"Yes they have" I replied. "And I'm going to announce it today on the show" I replied and the crowed screamed. Me and Ellen then stood up.
"As you can see there are 2 cannons" she said. "One over to the left and one over to the right" she replied. "Me and Emily are going to fire the cannons at the same time and there will be either pink confetti or blue confetti" she said.
"I'm so excited to do this" I shouted and the crowed cheered. I walked over to one cannon and Ellen walked over to the other.
"I need the audience to count down from 3 to 1, ok" Ellen shouted. "In 3" she said.
"3,2,1 Fire" Ellen and the crowed shouted and me and Ellen pulled the leaver for the cannons and the blue confetti flew over the crowed. The screens behind me then showed the words 'it's a boy' in big text. The audience then cheered and screamed...

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