Chapter 14

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*Next Day*

I woke laying next to Ian. He then wrapped his arms around me.
"Shall we just stay in bed all day?" He asked.
"You had a little to much to drink last night?" I asked smiling.
"Maybe.." He replied.
"I'm glad I'm not feeling how your feeling" he replied.
"Yeah, well you can't drink" he then said.
"True" I replied.
"So.. Can we stay in bed all day?" He asked again smiling.
"I can't i have an interview with Ellen today" I replied. "And anyway you have work. So get your lazy bum out of bed" I then replied hitting him playfully.
"Ok. Ok. I'm up" he replied smiling.
"Hey, I just felt the baby kick" i said.
"Really.." He replied and jumped over the bed and placed his hand on my stomach.
"Wow" Ian said smiling. We both then sat there for awhile feeling the baby kick.
We then walked downstairs and had some breakfast.
"I'm so happy that the pregnancy is out and I can finally wear tighter stuff" I said.
"I'm just happy the pregnancy is out" Ian replied. We then finished eating our breakfast and I walked upstairs and had a shower. I then did my hair and makeup and got dressed. I wore a tight dress that was showing off my small bump. I walked back downstairs and Ian was just about to leave.
"So are you coming to the set after the show?" He asked me. [as pll and Ellen are both filmed at Warner bros]
"Yeah. I'll meet you there" I replied.
"Ok. Love you" he said and then kissed me.
"Love you too" I replied. He then walked out and got into his car. I then walked back in and found a cute picture of me and Ian from last night and decided to post it...
Caption: Last night was crazy! The news is finally out :) *Baby face emoji*
Tagged: @Ianmharding
Afterwards, I still had some time before I had to leave so I just sat and read some work emails. It was soon time to leave and I walked out and got into my car. I then drove to the studio and parked up. I then got out and walked into where there filmed Ellen. I went straight to my dressing room and had hair and makeup sorted out. It was them time to go on.
"And welcoming a good friend of mine, Emily Stone" she shouted. The crowed then began cheering as I walked out on stage. I hugged and kissed Ellen on the cheek. I then took a seat.
"It's great having you back! A lot has happened since you were last in here" Ellen said.
"Yes it has" I replied.
"Your now engaged to Ian Harding" she said.
"Yes, I am" I replied.
"And then yesterday out of nowhere you announced on live tv at the teen choice awards that you were pregnant!" She then said. "Congratulations" she said.
"Aw thank you, and yes I did" I replied.
"Did you intend to?" She then asked me.
"I told Ian the idea in the limo on the way to the teen choice" I replied.
"You did" Ellen said.
"Yeah, he was all up for it, but if he changed his mind I wanted him to tell me before I went up to accept the award, because i wouldn't want to announce it without his approval" I replied.
"Can I just say when you announced it , because I was there, that was the biggest cheers, and claps I've ever heard" Ellen said.
"I know. It was so crazy and overwhelming, with the support me and Ian have through everything" I replied.
"Yeah, it is" Ellen began to say. "A lot of fans have tweeted how generally surprised Lucy looked and the rest of the cast of pretty little liars were when you announced it" she said.
"Yeah, because they generally were. They didn't know I was pregnant" I said.
"They didn't" she said.
"Nope. We were planning on telling them before hand, but we didn't. The only people who knew where, Ian's family and my grandma" I said.
"What was your grandmas reaction?" She asked.
"She was over the moon. She was crying so much, but obviously with happiness. She was so happy for us and that's all I wanted her to be, happy" I replied.
"Aw, bless her" she said. We then got on with the rest of interview and it was soon over. I then walked off stage and grabbed my bags. I then walked over to the pretty little liars set and Ian was getting ready to act.
"Hey" he said walking over to me and hugging me.
"I've finished on Ellen" I replied.
"How did it go?" He asked.
"Great" I replied.
"Well that's good then" He replied and kissed me. "I'll be right back. I've just got to do this scene" Ian then said. He then walked off and Lucy walked over to me.
"Hey, Lucy" I said hugging her.
"Hey" she began to say. "Wow. You can clearly see the bump now" she said.
"Yeah. I've been wearing over sized stuff for past few weeks now. It feels so good the be able
to where what I want" I replied.
"I bet it does" she replied. We then got talking for a little while until she had to go on. I then sat and waited for Ian. He was finally finished with the scene and we grabbed something to eat on set. It was getting pretty late and Ian could tell I was tied.
"I'll meet you at home if you want. You go and get some sleep" Ian said.
"Yeah, ok, love you honey" I said and kissed him.
"Love you too" he replied. I then walked out and dove home. When I arrived I walked straight upstairs and went straight to bed...

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