Chapter 19

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+6 Weeks...

"You alright gorgeous" Ian said to me as he walked in our room and passed with a cup of tea.
"Thanks, hun" I replied and gave him a kiss.
"You sure you still wanna go to the music awards today?" Ian asked me as he laid on the bed next to me.
"Yeah, I'll be fine" I replied.
"Ok if your sure" he said and kissed me again. "When will the hair and makeup artist be here?" He asked me as it was around 1 in the afternoon and I have had a lazy morning in bed.
"An hour" I replied. "I'm going to go grab a shower" I said. Ian then got up. "Will you help me up?" I asked with a smile. He then smiled back and walked round the other side of the bed and I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. "Thanks babe" I said with a smile. I then walked into my bathroom and had a shower. I got out and shoved on something comfy. I then brushed my hair and walked downstairs and grabbed some food while I waited for hair and makeup artist to arrive. There was buzz from the gates. Ian got up and it was my makeup and hair artist and he told security to open up the gates. They drove up the drive and I welcomed them. They walked upstairs with to my dressing room and worked there magic on me. Finally, my hair and makeup was down. I thanked them and showed them out. My dress fitters then arrived and made sure everything was ok with the dress and helped we put it on. I was soon ready to go... Ian was also already.
We both walked downstairs and had a photo together.
Caption: Music Awards<3
Our car then arrived and we got in it and our driver drove us the awards. We arrived and the doors opened and me and Ian both got out and walked down the red carpet together posing for photos and doing interviews. We then walked into the show and took our seats as the show began to start...
"You alright?" Ian said looking over at me.
"Uha" I lied. Through out the car journey and arriving here I've had really bad pains in my stomach.
"No your not, you keep touching your stomach" I replied.
"Do you wanna go home and chill?" He asked me.
"I'm fine, seriously. If I feel worse we'll head off earlier" I said.
"Alright ok" he said and kissed me and held my hand as the show began.
The first half soon finished and I ended up winning 3 awards.
"Let's go home" he said to me.
"Yeah, I think we better because if I win any more awards I don't think I can keep going up and getting them" I said. We both got up and Ian helped me and we began to walk to backstage. Ian called for the manager of the awards and he came over to us.
"Hey you alright?" He asked shaking Ian's hand and hugging me.
"We are heading off now as Em don't feel too well" he replied. "So she won't be able to perform the end of the show" he said. I agreed to perform the end of the show, but obviously is was just going to be me not dancing around just singing, but the awards people really wanted me to perform no matter how it would be. So I agreed, but Ian wasn't too keen on the idea from the start.
"Oh no it's fine. We will figure something out" he said.
"Oh thanks mate" Ian replied. We then walked out back with our body guards around us and we got into our car. Our body guards were in another car behind us. We began driving back home and the pain got even worse.
"Baby" I then said clutching on to my stomach.
"What! What's up?" He asked in a panic.
"I think my waters just broke" I then said calmly.
"Oh crap" he said. Ian told the driver to turn around and drove straight to the hospital. He told security behind us and then rang security back at home as we will need more security there and also for them to bring the baby stuff. We soon arrived at the hospital and went up to the right ward with the help of my security. We then went our room that Ian had booked us. I walked in and went straight to the bed and security positioned themselves outside the room. A nurse then walked in.
"Hello, Miss Stone" she said to me. "I'm just going to check you over to see if you can start pushing or not" she then said. She then examined me. "This baby is coming right now!" She then said.
"What!? Now. So I can push?" I asked.
"Yeah you can push" she replied. I then looked up and Ian and he grinned at me.
"You can do it" he said with smile and holding my hand...

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