The Pool Party

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Marinette wouldn't and couldn't lie when she said Paris's temperature wasn't hot, like boiling.

Marinette of course being a Paris citizen, an school student and a superhero was easier than putting up with this weather, heck, even ChatNoirs puns were easier to handle, including him! Which was scary to say.

Marinettes friends in class weren't doing any better, minutes of groaning and complaining was getting to annoying to handle, I guess her classmate Rose knew that to and decided to end this dramatic heat wave of dead.

"Hey guys, how about after school you can come to my house and we can have a pool party?!" Rose sweetly offered everyone.

"I'm in" the whole class cheered except for 2 selfish teens.

"Agh Puh-Lease, I'm not going to your petty pool" Chloe screeched.

"Yeah! Like we would want to go!" Sabrina added and cackled.

"Well fine then you don't have to come then." Rose said to them.

"Ok then Girl! After school is shopping!" Alya whispered to her happily.
After school Alya literally dragged Marinette into a bathing suit store (Sorry I'm Australian😏) and gave her 3 different Bikinis that were all very cute.

Marinette did not like the first two. The first one was purple one piece with a yellow flower. The second one was a blue bikini with pink spirals, she liked that one, but it didn't fit. The third One was very her, it was a ladybug style bikini with her bottoms being a skirt with cute Black and red ruffles. It suited her well and fitted her curves perfectly, she quickly changed and went back to Alya.

"Hey Alya I like this pair! What do you think?" She asked eager to know her friends answer.

"I knew it would look great on you Mari!" Alya said happily and proud that she liked this one.

Alya had bought a golden one piece that had white ruffles that was very, very cute.

The two both travelled to Marinettes bakery and decided to bring some treats for here friends, they packed a cooler and went to get changed.

Alya you see was scheming, she knew Marinette was ripped, she had beautifully toned abs that suited her... Strangely well. In this process Alya was hoping to get Adrien to look or hopefully drool at Marinettes charm, it especially made it better when Alya was the only other person besides Marinette (Tikki to) who knew she had abs, so she couldn't wait to see there reactions.

Marinette made there way to Roses house Marinette carrying the cooler and her bag with sun glasses, towel and her swim suit. Alya brangthe same with out the cooler of course and made there way to Roses Party.
As soon as they arrived they were late so Alya quickly changed to see and greet everyone while Marinette still needed to.

Alya walked out with her glasses off, hair up and her golden swim suit on. Everyone looked her way and smiled.

"Hey Alya looking good!" Nino screamed then did a bomb in he pull.

"Hey Alya do you know where Marinette is???" Rose asked.

"oh yeah she's just getting ready, she brought her parents treats with her to!" Alya squealed in delight as everyone whooped.

The door opened revealing Marinette with her midnight wavy blue hair going up to her shoulders and her curvy bikini. What made it better was the way she placed the cooler on her shoulder like she was striking a pose which showed of her abs.

Everyone gaped and stared at Marinette in shock. Who knew the sweet, cute, shy Marinette was toned.
Alix being the first to snap out of her Daze as Marinette walked up to them all.

"Woah! Marinette what's your workout routine?!" Alix asked in awe at her build.

"Ah well, guess I'm used to all the carrying I have to do around the bakery" she answered flushed at the whole classes staring.

"So... Uh you guys gonna continue looking at me like I'm a ghost?... Or do I have to do something?" She asked with a glint of mischief in her bluebell eyes that sparkled in the sun.

"What type of somethin- AGHHH!" Adrien said halve way into the sentence as Marinette squirted him with a water pistol.

"What the hell Marinette! Your on" Adrien shouted. To be honest, Adrien was freaking out. Marinette looked beautiful, she looked like Ladybug and her glint of mischief cradled him in.

Marinette giggled at her actions towards him. Which made him feel warm. The next couple of hours led to him and Marinette kicking around, much to Nathaniel's displeasure.

Adrien looked at Marinette who was looking at the Parisian sunset setting. But he didn't know what was more better the sunset or her glistening there like a diamond. She reminded him of something special in his life his lady.
Then on cue the realisation hit him. Ladybug themed bikini, blue hair, gorgeous bluebell eyes that felt like she was brain washing him, those pink plum lips, that gorgeous smile and that midnight hair that he had lived.

"You know Marinette you remind me of my lady" he sai looking into her radiant blue orbs as they widened in shock.

"Chat?" She asked confused

"Yes My Lady" he sat next to her and longingly looked at eachother in love and affection.

"I think I'm in love with you Marinette" Adrien whispered

"I think I'm the same way to" she said as they looked at eachother and smiled. Today not was how it planned to be,
But due to Paris's fine weather it was there perfect day, that will always be remembered. 

Beach fluff! Hopefully not to shitty, but any who! Hope you enjoyed!!!

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