|Miraculous Ladybug Spies~| Pt1

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What if Alya and Marinette were rich and there family had a secret, they were spies.

Marinette is offered to go live in Malibu for a while and take Alya with her because of constant bullying.

But her mum also wants her to become a spy. So she can help save Paris and Malibu.

When Marinette and Alya finally have enough of bullying because of mainly 2 bitches and there boyfriends. They decide to go to Malibu.
What will happen when they leave to change...

And come back spies...

•Marinettes P.O.V•
"Marinette sweety! It's time for school" my mother Sabine nudges me with my pillow.

"5.... More.... Minutes" I say yawning.
It's not that I'm tired, I just don't like school, I get bullied and teased if I didn't have Alya I don't know what I would've done.

"Come on Marinette! It's Friday plus school can't be that bad, I'm sure they won't tease you today..." My mother reasons but I sigh. They never get better, Adrien Agreste the #1 Playboy of the school always bullies me and his clingy possessive girlfriend Chloe Bourgeois is head cheerleader and a slut, they always make it there job to ruin my day.

"Yeah... Whatever...." I mumble separating me away from my bed standing up stretching.

"Ok come down in 10 and I'll have breakfast ready" Mum smiles and I nod. My mother Sabine make look nice and cheerily but my dad- the love of her life died in a car accident 2 years ago and she always made it her job to protect me, including my bullies.

Mum walked out of the room while I got changed, I wore a pink floral top with a grey jean jacket over it, pink 3 quarter length jeans and pink slip ons, my hair was put up in its signature pigtails with red ribbons sticking out and I carefully placed my red and black ladybug glasses on my nose. Yes I am a nerd, doesn't mean I act like one though.

I walked down stairs to reveal my mum tossing some eggs and bacon. In the counter is a plate full of eggs and pancakes waiting for me to eat, so I take it and silently eat while she talks to me.

"You know honey, this bullying is really getting out of hand! You could visit PLAGG and Tikki in Malibu, California! You could stay there for awhile and comeback in a couple of months. You can even bring Alya to!" My mum offers smiling at me.

"I'll think about it..." I said finishing off my plate and handing it to mum before quickly kissing her cheek.

"Bye mum! I'm off!" I said before grabbing my backpack, homework, purse, iPhone and keys and then start on my journey to hell- I mean school.

It was around 08:45 so I had 15 minutes until school started so i managed to run and catch up with her, yes I am chubby and a little fat, but I manage. I caught up with her a couple minutes after.

"Hey Alya!" I said cheerfully.

"Oh hey Marinette!" Alya smiled and hugged me. Alya and I have been through a lot, I get pushed around with Adrien and Chloe while Alya gets pushed around by Nino and his slutty girlfriend Lila. We met up and hit off pretty well and made a vow to protect each other from the bullies of our class.

Alya is pretty ran with orange super frizzy hair, Black rimmed glasses and wears a mouth guard, she is pretty chubby like me but we're working on it.

I'm pretty different from Alya though, I have Raven hair while she had orange,
She has warm chocolate eyes while I have bluebell, she wears a flannel while I wear jackets and she wears Jordan's while I wear flats. Alya is pretty rich and so am I! We just never wore our 'real' stuff or drove to school in our bikes and real cars because we would 'gain' to much attention.

We soon made it to school and as soon as we walked in were greeted with pushes, shoves, punches and name calling. Me and Alya were about to reach the entrance of our classroom as 4 familiar figures walked up so we hid our heads. The sluts and there boyfriends.

"Hey look it's the slutty nerds!" Chloe laughed and fist bumped Lila. 'Says you, you both sleep with one a night, bitch.' Is what I really wanted to say but I didn't.

"Go away bitch!" Lila said shoving me and Alya and we landed on the floor with a thud I looked into her eyes as she snarled at me.

"Leaves us alone you bitchy little sluts. Go run away with your fat little body's travelling after you crying to your daddy!" Chloe cackled and I was fuming.

"I don't have a father...." I mumbled

"What was that bitch?" Chloe asked pushing me.

"I DONT HAVE A FATHER AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I screamed and that shocked everyone, I grabbed Alya's wrist and pulled her into the classroom sitting down while Chloe, Adrien, Nino and Lila came in fuming. But Nino and Adrien looked....


You see Adrien and Nino aren't that bad, but ever since that day I didn't like them. One day something just happened which caused us to split up but Alya and I stayed best friends whilst Adrien and Nino did to.

Class was over soon, thank god, I was tired of the death glares and the evil smirking I had it. I once again grabbed Alya and went to the cafeteria, I hope I didn't cause much drama when I stuck up for myself....

I was sitting in the canteen talking with Alya when everyone went quiet, weird, and I heard snickering. I looked behind me and saw Chloe, Lila, Adrien and Nino tip 2 bowls of pumpkin soup over our heads and everyone in the canteen started laughing while Alya and myself stood up and I was ready to give them a piece of my mind, but I didn't I grabbed Alya and bolted out of the canteen letting there piercing screams of laughter drift into the distance.

We went to the nurses office and asked if we could go home, with looks of pity and sympathy we went to my mums bakery and talked.

"Marinette? Is that you?" My mouthed shouted.

"Yes mum! It's me and Alya we came home!" I shouted recalling the memories of the Canteen.

My mother stomped into our room then looked at us concerned. "Why are you covered in soup?" she asked us worried.

"The bullies at school did this..." Alya and then mum gave us a towel to clean ourselves up.

"Mum I-I thought about it.... Can I go to Malibu with Alya?" I asked as mum was cheered up but Alya looked at me confused.

'Au Revoir France!'

Bonus Chapter~
•Adrien's P.O.V•
I really felt bad for Marinette and Alya, I really liked Marinette and Alya but Nino and I were forced to hate them both, I'm sick of bullying... But we bullied for a reason...

But still....

I've really fucked up now haven't i....
Hope you guys enjoyed this! There will be a part 2! This will be DJWifi and Adrienette! I don't know if this will work out but there will be a couple parts!
I'm working on 'Watched' and 'texting' and 'T/D' to!

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