If only they knew

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Class was boring, the students were all hauled into the classroom because of an 'incident' that happened before recess meaning the students were locked up before anyone else could get hurt.

The teachers obviously busy left the students alone in there classroom with a test to complete....

With cellphones...

The students quickly googled there questions and neatly stacked there pile of tests on Mrs Bustiers desk when Rose had an idea.

"Hey guys, why don't we play truth and dare?" Rose asked in her sweet tone.

'Yeahs' and 'I'm done' were heard across the classroom, they all decided that they would gather around on the floor in a circle and get ready to play.

"So who's first?" Rose asked her classmates.

"ME!" Alix shouted as she literally jumped into the air.

"Okay so... Rose truth or dare?" Alix asked the sweet girl who was across her.

"Uh Truth." Rose decided recounting times where Alix would say some crazy dares to eachother.

"Did you and Prince Ali ever get together?" Alix asked Curious, all the class were curious because they were pretty 'fond' of each other.

"Uh yeah" Rose said blushing "we talk a lot" Rose finished earning 'awwws' form most of the class.

"Hmm Max truth or dare?" Rose asked Max.

"By counting algorithms and calculus equations I say... Dare." Max calculated as some of the class groaned at the 'Math'

"You cannot speak anything about 'Math' for the next hour!" Rose giggled as everyone cheered as Max groaned.

"Fine... Alix truth or dare?" Max asked the pinkie, he knew Kim had a thing for her so with his 'math'- I mean knowledge skills he was going to make it canon! (#Otaku4life #MajorShipper)

"Dare!" Alix said without thinking.

"I dare you to kiss Kim on the lips" Max stated smirking at the blushing/nervous Kim whilst Alix was blushing but horrified. Alix leaned in quickly kissing him while he kissed back, they full in makes out for 5 minutes with constant awing from everyone.

"Ok so Alya truth or dare?"  Alix asked Alya who had her phone out videoing.

"Dare!" Alya stated excited!

"I dare you to... To lick Nino's cheek." Alix finished as the class laughed at Nino's face who was internally screaming and was freaking out.

"WHAT?" Nino shrieked horrified.

"Just come over here!" Alya sighed as she pulled Nino to her and slid her tongue onto his cheek, as soon as the tongue made contact Nino flinched.

"Hmm" Alya said looking at everyone including Marinette who was begging Alya not to choose her so she didn't... For now inside she was scheming.

"Mylene! Truth or Dare?" Alya asked the girl she figured if she couldn't make Adrienette sail she could to the other ships.

"Truth?" Mylene hesitantly asked.

Well Alya made her bring up her feelings to Ivan very precisely. So now it was Mylene's turn to ask someone.

"Marinette?" Mylene asked the dazed girl who instantly snapped out of her daze and looked at the girl.

"Oh yeah?" Marinette nervously laughed.

"Truth or Dare?" Mylene asked the blue haired girl.

"Truth!" Marinette said, she knew if she said dare something embarrassing would happen.

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" Mylene asked as Marinette visibly froze gaining everyone's attention.

"Please that's an easy question! Right Marinette? Right!?" Alya asked looking at the blushing pigtailed girl who just had 'ChatNoir' implanted in her head. Of course she couldn't tell the class that, they would never believe her.

Marinette nervously laughed scratching the back of her neck sheepishly. "Well uh..." Marinette trailed off by looking at Alya's terrified face and the class jaw dropped faces.

"WHAT????" Alya screeched! "GIRL! WHO WAS IT? WHO STOLE YOUR FIRST KISS?" Alya screamed at the blushing girl, heck the class couldn't lie saying they weren't interested of who this 'boy' was because they were very intrigued and interested.

"Well they didn't really steal my first kiss since I had kissed them..." Marinette mumbled but was heard by Nino, Adrien and Alya.

"wow..." Adrien said a little bit jealous, he wanted to know who This 'mystery' man was so he could find information about him.... So basically stalk him.

"Dudette... Nino started but was caught off by a shocked Alya.


'Ironic' Marinette snorted then blushed realising everyone's eyes were on her.

"PFFT NO!" Marinette blurted out a little bit to loud. "Well to be honest you don't ask but anyway..." Marinette nervously laughed.

"Girl!" Alya screamed.

"What?" Marinette smirked thinking 'if only they knew' Marinette laughed.

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