|Miraculous Ladybug Spies~| P.3

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~Still Marinette~

As soon as Alya and I woke up we decided to go eat some chocolate croissants then we went upstairs to get dressed, I wore a pink baggy sweater with light blue 3 quarter jeans and violet flats while Alya wore a purple and gold jacket with a black undershirt and wore some Black leggings and purple flats.

We went downs stairs and it was 8:00 meaning we had to leave in ten minutes we were cramped in a massive bear hug my mum created and kissed out cheaks and waited outside until our taxi would come and pick us up. We waited outside and saw Adrien coming by so we hid in a bush.

Adrien's P.O.V
I swear I saw Alya an Marinette outside with suitcases until they just disappeared, strange Nino and o said were gonna apologise on Monday.

~Marinettes P.O.V~
"Phew that was close Alya!" I exclaimed letting out a breath I was holding.

"Yeah it was..." Look let's go!" Alya said grabbing my arm and me and pulling us in the taxi before placing out suitcases in the trunk.

The Airport wasn't that far away, it took about 45 minutes to and we quickly had to run because we were going to be late!

We ran to gate 13 and quickly spoke to the flight attendant. She said we were on time so we hurried onto the plane and sat on our seats and got ready for the 12 hour flight to Malibu.

The flight ended pretty fast for the first hour of the flight me and Alya chatted about all the thinks to do and buy in Malibu! The next 3 hours of the flight I watched Pretty Little Liars and Teen Wolf! Whilst Alya watched PaperTowns and KC Undercover and played some of Nino's Jams, you see Nino wasn't a very bad bully he just didn't like is that much...

We decided it was getting late so we had a 6 hour nap playing Ariana Grande from my glitchy iPod (wait to see when she arrives in Malibu!)

They served us Oatmeal in the morning and for the last 2 hours of the flight we were given Chicken Caesar Salad.

Then we heard a beep meaning that we had to put on our seatbelts.

"Hello Passengers! I am your captain speaking I hope you have enjoyed your flight from Paris to Malibu. The current time in Malibu right now is 10:00 PM at night, we will be landing shortly." The captain announced as the turbulence turned on meaning we were landing.

"Finally! In Malibu California!" Alya squealed.

"I know!" I squealed excited.

"We should totally post this on SnapChat!" Alya said excited and pulling out her I phone.

"Yeah I totally need a new phone we should go shopping tomorrow!" I said looking at my tattered iPhone.

"Yes we should!" Alya smiled at me before taking a picture of the LAX sign before putting a GEO filter on it and posting it on her 'My Story'!

"We should probably go get our bags!" I said dragging Alya to pick up our suitcases which we received quickly since we babbled and took pictures for a while LOL.

She quickly ran out of the airport munching on pretzels and looked around for my uncles car.

"Mari can you see your uncles car yet?" Alya asked me.

I looked around for any familiar cars but I haven't seen him in 3 years he could've bought a new one. I looked around and saw a familiar face who was smirking.

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