Flexibilty Pt.1

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Everyone in Paris, maybe even the world hated this word... Gym Class (P.E) except Kim. The teachers decided you to participate in gruesome sports that invlolved kicking, hitting, running, jumping or anything sporty.

Marinettes luck did help her. As soon as she arrived she was greeted by a massive beautiful Obstacle course which looked easy because of her being Ladybug, but to the others, they saw hell in front of them.

She made her way to Alya who looked at the obstacle like it was torture.
"Hey! Alya do you know what this is about?" Marinette asked.

"1 word... Gymnastics" Alya said sighing. Marinette knew Alya wasn't 'Flexible' she probably would've been in the same state if she wasn't Ladybug.

Nino and Adrien seem to noticed Marinettes calmness and Alya's freaking out state and walked over to them.

"hey guys you excited" Adrien asked pumped. And was received by 2 groans.

"No..." Alya and Nino said In unison whole Marinette squeaked.

"Why are you so calm about this?" Nino asked Marinette. Adrien and Alya couldn't lie when they were eager to know to. But inside, Marinette was screaming. She was internally freaking out!

'What am I going to do! They might know it's me, my signature moves! What happens if I fail and Kill mysel D in front of Adrien! I will never be able to go on a date with him! Marinette had these words ringing through her brain.

"Nette, Mari, Nette, Marinette!" Alya screamed Waving a hand in Marinetyes face.

"Huh? What?!" She asked confused

"Dazed out for a minute I thought you were dreaming about A-" Alya was shut up with Marinettes hand planted on her mouth laughing nervously.

"Students! Gather around!" Mrs Bustier called, as one by one the students arrived waiting for Mrs Bustiers orders.

"Today we will be testing your flexibility! You will go individual to work through the course" Mrs Bustier started. "first will be Marinette" Marinette gulped as she made her way to Mrs Bustier, the gym was silent except the maniac type cackling made by Chloe.

All the students were embarrassed for Marinette and shared looks of sympathy but Marinette gulped. Adrien simply thought 'Poor Marinette, it's hard enough for her to walk into the classroom without tripping, I hate to see what would happen to her'

Marinette herself was trying to calm down, 'Marinette! You are ladybug with or without the mask, don't worry you can do this.' Marinette heard the sound of a whistle and smirked. Which shocked Adrien. Alya and Nino. They were all confused.

Marinette sprinted like the flash jumping beam to beam followed by a hand spring, which caused her top to go up a little bit and see her toned abs.

Alya, Nino, Adrien and the class except Chloe had looks of shock written on there face as they watched there class mate soar through the obstacle course.

"Did you know?!" The three said in unison glancing at each other, then watched Marinette, she was super fast, faster than a bullet.

Marinette wasn't ending with easy, this took up halve of her grade. She flipped through the air and landed gracefully hopping onto different platforms she cartwheeled over to the ropes and pulled her self up. She approached a very long beam that was like a stick so she decided to handstand it. She did a combo of a handstand- Cartwheel-Backflip and finished In a tall graceful position with a record time of 7.10 seconds...
7 minutes it took...
7 freaking minutes...
She walked to Alya oblivious to everyone's stares as she passed by.

"It's quite fun when you get past the first stage" Marinette squealed happily.

"Girl, Girl, Girl you have some explaining to do!" Alya stared at her frien in disbelief. Innocent shy Marinette super flexible and strong.

"Hehe... What do you mean 'explaining' " Marinette nervously asked.

"Don't lie Marinette Dupain Cheng" Alya started

"KIDS! Come over here!" Mrs Bustier ordered as Marinette poked her tongue at Alya and laughed. Even the teacher was in the same state, shocked.

"This.Isn't.over" Alya mouthed

"Alya what was that?" Mrs Bustier sighed.

"I think it is!" Marinette said smirking and giggling, oblivious yet again to the looks of Adrien and Nino!

"Ok so since Marientte did a wonderful job! She can leave now!" Mrs Bustier congratulated as Marinette walked out she tripped on Chloe's foot but did a handspring and stuck out her tongue at Chloe and walked out.

"Was that even Marinette?" Alya asked us.

"Who" Adrien started

"Knows" Nino finished and went back to learning hell...


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