Truth or Dare (new)

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Due to an Akuma attack the class had to move classrooms so they could relate there

As soon as the class were finished googling the answers Alya had a purrfectly mischievous idea and it was...

Truth or Dare

Now since Marinette and Alya had been great and inseparable friends for the year Marinette knew that if Alya ever had this Devilish, mischievous glint in her eye, it wouldn't end well for them all.

"Whatever your planning Alya, SPILL!" Marinette whisper yelled to her her friend who was smirking evilly.

"GUYS! How about we play a innocent friendly good o'l game of truth and dare?" Alya smirked scheming.

A chorus of 'yeahs' and 'Sures' were heard as they all grouped together in a circle and were prepared to face hell-
Truth Or Dare.

"Well then Truth or dare Alix?" Marinette asked.

"Dare!" Alix said ready to take on anything!

"Hmm, Huh!, So Alix? Do you have a crush on anyone?" Marinette asked

"That's a truth though..." Alix said beet red.

"Then I dare you to tell me the answer!" Marinette smirked waiting for the answer.

"Fine I have a crush..." Alix admitted

"WHO?" All the girls squealed excited.

"Tut, Tut, Tut you didn't tell me that I had to say who it was, just if I had one!" Alix smiled innocently as the girls groaned.

"Mylene! Truth Or dare!" Alix smiled innocently again, making sure to look innocent and gullible.

"D-Dare!" Mylene said nervously.

"I dare you to bring out every bit of your feeling for Ivan out here now!" Alix smirked happy her decision and looked at Mylenes beet red face.

After a lot of bringing up people crushes and humiliating people, Alix noticed Marinette hadn't been asked anything yet and grinned.

"Marinette!" Alix started as the girl gulped, "Have you ever been kissed before?" Alix asked looking at Marinettes pink face as she remembered the 'Dark Cupid fiasco'

"PFFT! Yeah right, isn't that right Marinette you've never kissed anyone.. Have you..." Alya suspiciously looked Marinettes blushing nervous face then took a gulp of water.

"Ah... Well" Marinette nervously scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. As soon as Alya heard this answer Alya spitted out her water and everyone had shocked faces that were priceless!

"WHO?" The girls screamed in unison
"YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND!" Alya screamed at the flushed Marinette.

"ALYA!" Marinette screamed embarrassed. All the boys glanced at each other strangely wondering if it was one of them.

"He's not my boyfriend..." Marinette mumbled under her breath and heard little giggles from Tikki.

"Jeez Marinette you hold a lot of secrets, you could secretly be a Superhero with all those secrets your hiding!" Alya joked.

Marinette nervously gulped as her eyes widen. "PFFFT! No! Your crazy Alya I don't hold any secrets!" Marinette said quickly.

"So who was the mysterious 'guy?'" The girls asked Marinette as she gulped once again.

"Well uh you don't know him he uh doesn't go to this school... I think" Marinette said but mumbled the last two words out.

"Awe fine!" The girls poured in annoyance.

Though Adrien wouldn't admit it, he was secretly very curious! Who was this guy? And how dare he touch lips with his princess.

"OMG ALYA!!" Rose sqealed

"Well uh well there's a video of Ladybug and ChatNoir kissing..." Rose trailed off


"Yeah look" Rose said pulling out her phone to see Ladybug kissing ChatNoir.

"LADYNOIR IS CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alya squealed

Marinette and Adrien watched the video eyes wide, burg with different reactions. 'Shoot! Now everyone will think we're dating UGH!' Marinette internally screamed while Adrien was about to faint. 'MYLADY KISSED ME! Knowone told me! Not even Plagg! He's so going to get it after school' Adrien could already hear the snickering in his pocket.

"AHHHHH LADYNOIR" The girls sqealed happily while Marinette flushed.

"Ooooh I wonder if there dating?!" Alya smirked.

"ALYA!" Marinette screamed then covered her mouth realising she just screamed.

"You Jealous girl? Hm!" Alya teased at the flustered Marinette.

"You would be surprised if you knew who you were talking talking to..." Marinette mumbled.

"What was that Marinette?" Everyone asked while Marinette smiled innocently

"Oh nothing.." Marinette laughed imagining if they knew she was Ladybug. During this she reviewed very, very strange looks that she shrugged off.

'Wasn't this just a good Ol game of Truth and Dare!'
Words: 722!
Sorry I feel like these get more crappy every time I write one!

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