Ladybugs new hair (LadyNoir)

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Today luck wasn't on side, even having the power of Luck she didn't have it, It was about 30 minutes before patrol so she had to quickly find her elastics, these things were the smallest things in the world and she only had 1 pair. Pretty stupid right?..

If that didn't help enough, she had no control whatsoever of her hair, everything she tried Bun, Ponytail, Braid, fishtail... Nothing would work at all and all she managed to find was a red ribbon with black polkadots. 'How Ironic' She thought.

Marinette had ten minutes before patrol and she was stressing so she thought quickly (which was easier with her Lucky Vision) she left it loose revealing her beautiful Midnight blue curls falling gracefully against her shoulders, she used the dotted ribbon to make a bow in the back of her hair. It's funny how this 5 minute hairstyle suited her. It fitted her face perfectly and beautifully.

With Marinette having 5 minutes before she needed to meet her Kitty, she quickly transformed and jumped roof top to rooftop to arrive just in time! She managed to make it there late... It's not like that mattered she was late everyday at school. Chat didn't seem to mind though.

"Hey Kitty" she smiles warmly at Chat. ChatNoir was sure if his bad 'luck' took over him she would be able to see his pink face.

"What's with the hair My Lady?" Chat asked eager to know what was happening to My Lady's hair, he loved it out it suited her, but why now? Why her sudden change?
"We're you trying to Seduce me My Ladybug?" He teased a smirk playing in his lips.

"Yes..." Ladybug became really close and he gulped and she... Well she..
bursted out laughing. "Omg Chat your face was P-R-I-C-E-L-E-S-S!" She laughed and he pouted

"Jeez My Lady" Chat said angry "you scared me... but I did know one day you would fall for my charms! It was just a matter of time" He said smugly

"Sure... Like that would-" She was cut off by ChatNoirs miraculous beep.

"I'm so sorry My Lady I have to go before I de transform if I stayed.. you would swoon over me!" He said getting in her face.

"Sure.. But I'm just going to have to take your word for it" she smirked before zipping away in the night before calling out "Bye mon Chaton" which made his heart flutter.

"Sometime soon My Lady, I will win your heart" he muttered.

Who knew this word, this word would turn into dedication.
So sorry about my other crappy story's I hope I have better ideas soon!

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