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blocked # this isn't nate

me shut up

me don't text me

blocked # if you think it's nate you're crazy

me oh wow. derek spilled.

blocked # oh shit, yeah this is nate.

blocked # hi im nate maloley

blocked # so nate

me stop

blocked # lmao, stop what

me texting me.

blocked # you know, there is an option for do not disturb.

blocked # honestly, because you know this is nate, definitely, you should just change my name to nate.

blocked # or block me.

me ur annoying

blocked # im annoying? im being accused for being nate maloley when i clearly am not.

blocked # then u rat me out to derek lmao and he lies and tells u that I am nate

blocked # believe what you want sweetheart;)

and for some odd reason, jen then believed this wasn't nate.

// jen u stoopid

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