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derek showed me around his house, but once we got to his bedroom, he closed the door behind him, locking it.

"jen, i love you so fucking much," he approaches me, "i-i just want to show you how much i love you."

i back away from him, confused and dazed. "d-derek, i don't want to," i weep.

derek looks at me confused. "you don't want to what?"

"i don't want to have sex with you!" i sit onto the bed, feeling me squeeze my eyes shut harshly as i hear a low chuckle.

"so you think that's what i'm about?" i open my eyes to find a laughing derek, amused. "nate told you something dumb, yeah?"

i just silently nod.

"i thought you were different, jen," he closes his eyes, pacing. "i wasn't going to fuck you, i was going to tell you a secret i've told nobody, ever."

then, the guilt washed in. "if you think i'm that fucking bad, why are you with me?" derek screeches.

"i'm s-"

"just go," derek silently whispers, "just go."

and that's when i knew, derek and i were over.

// ha, u thought he was gonna fuck her.

on another note, i'm taking a hiatus. to focus on school, my actual social life, and just me. thinkin' about it for a while. hope i come back with a better attitude;). bye for now guys! ❤️

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