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nate got suspended for ten days.

this is his ninth day from being gone.

he would be back tomorrow, tuesday.

for one, fighting on school grounds and nearly making derek black out, and also insubordination to a teacher right after.

derek's parents could've placed charges on nate, but derek didn't want to.

as i walked in through the front door, i instantly got stares, whispers at, and also laughs.

did my big boot look funny that i had to wear since my foot broke? or was the big bags under my eyes, since i couldn't sleep, dreading this day?

as i saw derek, i instantly jog a bit faster, as derek caught eye with me, he smirked, stopping the conversation he had with some cheerleader and looked at me. "my baby!" he says excitedly, "sexier than ever."

i blush, seeing the cheerleader smack her lips, finally realizing it was madison beer.

she looked pretty from a distance.

"oh, jen, how are you doing?!" she spits in the most rudest tone. "great, cause i don't care, byeeee derek!"

she then walks away, placing a skip to her hips.

derek kisses my cheek as the bell rings. "sit with me at lunch, baby?"

"alright," i smile, moving to my first period, which was language arts.

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