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me nate

me please let me try and explain

nate hahahaha

nate you're so fucking funny

nate sleeping with swazz behind my back? k

me i didn't sleep with him!

nate ok

me i didn't. you don't have to believe me

nate good cuz i don't believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth.

nate your soon to be "boyfriend" just texted me all the details about what you've been doing behind my back.

nate i feel really bad for myself for even falling for you again.

nate you deserve all the shit you've been through, jen.

nate don't worry, i won't be using a blocked number on anyone ever again if i knew it would come with this much shit.

me wait

me nate?

// boarded up all the windows and shit. thaaank you guys on the last post, and for praying.

do u guys want a typical soppy ending or a "wtf" ending or an awwww moment ending?!? cuz i'm not going to be a sequel for this book, sadly.

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