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jen was standing infront of me.

with her black nike shorts, an oversized long sleeve shirt and some random slippers, she stood infront of me.

she looked like she was shaking.

"n-na-" was the only thing she could get out of her mouth before breaking down. she conceals her face with her sleeves as she begins to cry.

i place down the bowl of cereal i was eating to hug her. i wrap my arms around her waist as i rest my chin on the top of her head.

gilinsky looks at me confused as i show my eyebrows stitching together. i had no fucking clue exactly why she was here, or how she knew i was here.

"jen, what are you doing here?" i ask, taking my hands off her waist and by my sides as she looks up at me.

"to stop you from leaving!" she exclaims. her face was a bright pink while whatever girl's wear on their eyelashes that make them black, was running down her face.

"i put you through so much shit...and i can't live with myself if i knew that you were leaving and didn't apologize. or atleast say goodbye."

"oh," i shrug. "i'm only leaving the country for a little."

"why, though?"

"um, because yesterday was my birthday, i turned eighteen, and my mom bought me tickets to go to Mexico, where i will be drinking," i chuckle, scratching the back of my head. "so yup."

"happy birthday," she weakly smiles.

"thank you."

"why aren't you at school, though?"

all these questions. "i'm now homeschooled."

"why are you at gilinsky's house?"

"because he's going to Mexico with me."

"oh." jen shakes her head as she then sniffles, "i just wanted to say that i'm sorry."

i shove my hands in my front pockets.

"i-i did you so wrong."

"yeah, there was some things that were all around wrong," i nod, "but i believe everything happens for a reason."

"huh?" jen looks at me, her blue eyes were now darker.

"because then i wouldn't have done this if none of these events had happened."

i pull her by the waist, placing my lips onto hers.

// long update;) ur welcome

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